Lorehaven’s New Fall 2020 Issue Has Released!

This web edition features fifteen new reviews of great Christian-made fantastical novels, such as our cover feature about the award–winning fantasy Seventh City.
on Oct 30, 2020 · 1 reply
originally published at Speculative Faith

We’ve just released Lorehaven’s fall 2020 issue!

This web edition features fifteen new reviews of great Christian-made fantastical novels, such as our cover feature about the award-winning fantasy Seventh City.

Read every article and review free. Subscribe free to Lorehaven to make sure you don’t miss any updates.

Captain’s Log

E. Stephen Burnett: Fiction helps us survive our struggles and groan for redemption.

Book Reviews

Lorehaven’s review team explores the books they like best.

  • Bane of Ashkarith, Ariel Paiement
  • The Book of Rodney, Angelia Asher
  • Crystal Witness, Kathy Tyers
  • Daughter of Lightning, Anna Kate Logan
  • Dust, Kara Swanson
  • Fire Dancer, Catherine Jones Payne
  • Labyrinth of Shadows, Kyla Stone
  • Mists of Paracosmia, Emily Golus
  • Skate the Thief, Jeff Ayers
  • Strayborn, E. E. Rawls
  • Swift, R. J. Anderson
  • Swimmer, Avily Jerome

Seventh City, Emily Hayse

Cover story: ‘Maybe the World Wasn’t Made to Be Carried by You’

Sponsored Review: A King’s Return, J. J. Johnson

A King’s Return sweeps the reader into a world of complex, sympathetic characters.

Sponsored Review: Still Small Voice, Allen Brokken

This simple frontier story gives its child heroes complex dilemmas.

Magic and the Rise of Wicca

Marian Jacobs: To love Pagans, we must biblically discern their motives and needs.

Meanwhile at Lorehaven

Speaking of monsters, don’t miss our new Fantastical Truth episode exploring Dracula‘s castle:

Finally, from my captain’s log article:

During this un-holiday season, your exact monsters may vary in size and species.

Family health scares abound. Travel is limited even in states that have opened. Small businesses have collapsed, and even larger businesses are struggling. For Lorehaven, all live conferences were cancelled, so we had to go web-only. (This may bring more upgrades to Lorehaven going into 2021. Watch this space for news.)

We’ll announce those upgrades by Christmas.


E. Stephen Burnett, signature

E. Stephen Burnett explores fantastical stories for God’s glory as publisher of Lorehaven.com and its weekly Fantastical Truth podcast. He coauthored The Pop Culture Parent and creates other resources for fans and families, serving with his wife, Lacy, in their central Texas church. Stephen's first novel, the sci-fi adventure Above the Circle of Earth, launched in March 2025 from Enclave Publishing. Full bio | contact

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