New Spec Faith Columnist

We’re happy to announce that our new Tuesday columnist here at Spec Faith, starting a week from today, is Christopher Miller, co-author with his brother Allan of the Hunter Brown middle grade/young adult fantasy series (Warner Press).
You might remember that Christopher guest blogged for us not too long ago. If you missed those articles, take a moment now and read “You’re As Relevant As A Wimpy Mustache” and “Writers Slay Dragons (and you should too)”.
By way of reminder, Christopher is the balder half of the Miller Brothers writing duo, and is convinced that “his receding hairline is actually a solar panel for great ideas. While the science behind this phenomenon is sketchy (at best) one thing is undeniable – his mind is a veritable greenhouse of imaginative story ideas.” He’s also the co-author of the newly released novel based on a video game and of a pair of children’s books. He’s listed as one of the top 100 Twitter users in Washington State so you can likely find him there if you want to chat with or follow him – @millerbrother1. Or friend him on Facebook and follow him on YouTube.
Interesting! What is the new novel? And what is the videogame that it’s based on?
Welcome! I look forward to his columns!
Awesome! I love the Miller Brothers’ work and am looking forward to Christopher’s columns.