Wingfeather Saga Short Film

You may or may not have read Andrew Peterson’s four-book middle grade/young adult fantasy series called The Wingfeather Saga. For two years, Andrew and a dedicated group of creatives have been at work producing a short animated film that introduces the characters and gives a hint at the plot.
It’s here!
I think this first in the Wingfeather Saga films is very well done as an animated work. The narrator does a particularly good job of capturing the seriousness and the high tension of the later books while also displaying the humor which made the first books so successful. The thing is, The Wingfeather Saga short film (15 minutes long) is free—without cost, available to everyone, available in a variety of places. The hope is that this short will prove to be so successful that demand for a full length movie will follow.
I’m excited, not just because the quality is there but because an outpouring of support for a fantasy will be the best answer to places like Wrethched and the recently voiced criticism of the fantasy genre.
The Wingfeather Saga short film is on Facebook. According to this post, it’s also available on YouTube, Vimeo, and Amazon Prime. Some fans have reported trouble with some of the links, but with so many choices, one should work.
Enjoy, and tell your friends.
Can I help you?
Do you know which links people are reporting trouble with? I know there’s something up with Amazon, but the others look to be working. Let me know if there’s something broken we need to chase down.
Thanks so much for highlighting the film!
Thank you! Such a kind offer. I was having trouble with the YouTube link. Someone on FB said they couldn’t open the Vimeo video. When I tried to embedd the link to that one, I got a privacy note, but Andrew said that shouldn’t be the case. They WANT people to share the film. So I don’t know what’s up with the links. I could watch on Vimeo, but later I tried to see it again and couldn’t. FB seemed to be working OK.
I may try again or ask Stephen to. My technology is pretty old, so my problems might be on my end.
It’s a delightful film, isn’t it. I love seeing this story unfold on screen.