Winter Writing Challenge Winner

We have a winner in the 2013 Spec Faith Winter Writing Challenge–Austin Gunderson
Rebecca LuElla Miller on Jan 21, 2013 ·
4 replies
originally published at Speculative Faith
We have a winner in the 2013 Spec Faith Winter Writing Challenge:
Austin Gunderson
Austin, contact me about your prize at rluellam at Yahoo dot com.
Congratulations are in order for all three of our finalists. And special thanks to each of you who entered, commented, and voted.
To make the challenge work, we needed you all!
Congrats, Austin!
Thanks, Rebecca! This was a fun contest and a good e-laboratory for evaluative reading. I feel grateful to have been a participant, let alone a finalist.
Thanks to everyone who took the time and care to read and evaluate the proliferate entries. And I especially want to thank all of you who went out on a limb, perhaps for the very first time, to bare 200 words’ worth of your writerly souls to the world. It takes nerve to offer oneself up for public critique, and I’m just one of many who are grateful for your nerve. There were a lot of excellent entries out there, many of which I thought warranted more attention than they, for whatever reason, received. Fellow speculative-fiction-writers-who-are-Christian, I salute you!
Grats to Austin and to everyone who participated. There were some cool little stories there that I hope people become encouraged to develop further.
Congratulations, Austin! Well deserved. Now get back on that other project, before I hack your computer. 😛