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33. How Does Portraying Fantastical Characters Develop Christian Character? | with Julie Novak
How Fantastical Stories Explore Fantasy, Science Fiction, and Beyond
Read “deleted scenes” from an early manuscript for The Pop Culture Parent, which had more to say about specifically fantasy fiction!
E. Stephen Burnett in September 2020
Love Transforms the Beloved in ‘Beauty and the Beast’ Stories
This fairy tale famously shows true beauty conquering a beastly form, but the original story worked a little differently.
Elijah David in August 2020
Fiction Friday: Daniel And The Serpent’s Abyss
Daniel and the Sun Sword
Daniel and the Triune Quest
, and
Daniel and the Serpent’s Abyss
are young adult, Christian fantasy novels exploring forgiveness, faith, spiritual warfare, and the reality of divine sonship.
Rebecca LuElla Miller in August 2020
Jordan Peele’s Twilight Zone Newest Season Executes like Modern Day Parables
Season Two of Jordan Peele’s Twilight Zone executes well the tradition of multi-layered storytelling. Still, these modern-day stories lack the solution-oriented parables of Christ.
Parker J. Cole in August 2020
Why Can a Book’s Movie Be So Bad? When an Adaptation Goes Astray
Why do adaptations of books to movies and other media sometimes fail? It isn’t always because they didn’t follow the book closely enough.
Heather M. Elliott in July 2020
From The Writers’ Toolbox: Developing Fresh Story Concepts
Take romance for example. Everyone knows that the traditional plot form of a romance is boy meets girl and they fall in love, but
happen to keep them apart. In the end, however, they conquer, or their love conquers, and they get together.
Rebecca LuElla Miller in July 2020
There and Beowulf Again: Providence and Plot in Tolkien’s Hobbit
Beowulf is known as a pagan myth, but it was penned by a Christian writer. The Hobbit borrows from Beowulf and shows how Tolkien used mythology to show forth Christian truths.
Anthony G. Cirilla in July 2020
Terraform Comics: Changing the Landscape of Comics
Terraform comics seeks to produce high quality stories that are mostly stand-alone and are not limited to superheroes. They treat contributors well and are accepting submissions!
Cindy Koepp in July 2020
The Female Don Quixote and Heroism for our Times
Arabella, The Female Don Quixote, shows us something about why we need a world with heroes.
Jill Domschot in July 2020
How Do the Fishmen and Pirates of ‘One Piece’ Subvert Systemic Racism?
The popular anime’s Fishman Island arc dove deep into pro–racial harmony: “If you hurt somebody, or if somebody hurts you, the same red blood will be shed.”
L. Jagi Lamplighter in July 2020
Looking Forward to Re-Creation in Eternity
Will heaven be a renovation of what we know or a re-creation? I don’t know, but realize what I hope for has more to do with my heart than my head…
Travis Perry in July 2020
The Crux of the Tragedy
All my adult life, I had intended to never read Romeo and Juliet.
Shannon McDermott in July 2020
The Chosen’s Speculation Meets a True Savior
Discerning the ‘Girls with Swords’ Trope
Free Original Storyworld Ideas, Part 9: Black Box Interchangeable Brain
What if technology advances so much that a brain could be saved in black boxes? Made interchangeable or modular? What if you could literally live as someone else?
Travis Perry in June 2020
What Jordan Peele’s New ‘The Twilight Zone’ Teaches about God and Imagination
Unlike Rod Serling’s narrator, who shows a problem and only observes the story’s end, God chose to step into the Twilight Zone with us.
Parker J. Cole in June 2020
Free Original Storyworld Ideas, Part 8: Magical Technology (A Little Problem with the Dilithium Stone)
What about magic in a story that would otherwise be technological? A Little Problem with the Dilithium Stone shows an example.
Travis Perry in June 2020
Free (Not) Original Storyworld Ideas, Part 7: Mine the Public Domain (Worlds of Weinbaum)
So maybe you’re interested in a free story idea that ISN’T original–there’s some great opportunities in the public domain. Example, Worlds of Weinbaum…
Travis Perry in June 2020
Free Original Storyworld Ideas, Part 6: Nanites in Space Weapons and Aliens
Nanites could easily be part of any science fiction future and probably should be featured in stories much more than they are. Here’s some cool ideas that relate to nanites–even a few for fantasy writers!
Travis Perry in May 2020
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