/ Library / BookTags /Jerusalem
Rise of the Knightshades: The Djinn by J. Kent Holloway

Rise of the Knightshades: The Djinn

A legendary figure of smoke and shadow rises up to battle against an evil baron intent on building an army of golems during the Crusades.

Final Confrontation

The prophecy of the Coming One has now been fulfilled. Lucifer realizes that any hope to win the war is slipping away and decides upon a desperate gamble — he will have to face the Son personally. Book 4 of The Chronicles of the Host Biblical fantasy series by D. Brian Shafer.
Retribution, R. S. Ingermanson


The City of God seethes with rage against imperial Rome. War looms on the horizon—but one woman already knows the outcome.
Premonition, R. S. Ingermanson


Rivka Meyers is a Messianic Jewish archaeologist from California, trapped in first-century Jerusalem by a physics experiment gone horribly wrong.


Rayford Steele and his ragtag team of flying rebels — having arrived by the dozens from around the globe — ready themselves to serve as agents of rescue for God’s chosen people. Book 9 in the Left Behind end-times thriller series, by Time LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins.

The Indwelling

It’s the midpoint of the seven-year Tribulation. A renowned man is dead, and the world mourns. In heaven, the battle of the ages continues to rage until it spills to earth and hell breaks loose.
Assassins, Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins


The Tribulation Force hurtles toward the four murders foretold in scripture. Rayford Steele plots his own involvement in the assassination of the Antichrist. Book 6 in the Left Behind end-times thriller series, by Time LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins.