/ Library / BookTags /The Blades of Acktar series
Decree, Tricia Mingerink


From the story of how Leith and Martyn met to Ranson’s search for a life outside of the Blades, these stories will answer plaguing questions and expand the world of Acktar.
Destroy, Tricia Mingerink


He was the prince who failed to die. Will he also fail to lead?
Defy, Tricia Mingerink


The war for Acktar has begun. War demands sacrifice. Courage falters. Who will find the strength to defy King Respen?
Deny, Tricia Mingerink


Living two lives is dangerous … especially as an assassin.
Dare, Tricia Mingerink


An assassin must choose between his king and the girl whose family he once helped kill.