The 2010 Clive Staples Award Winner

Nineteen nominations.
Thirty days of voting.
One winner.
After deleting ineligible ballots and ones that did not adhere to the instructions, I can now reveal the 2010 Clive Staples Award winner. Since no nomination had a majority of the votes, I took into consideration the choices for second and third place.
The leading novel finished with 33% of the first place votes, 12% of the second place votes, and 5% of the third place votes, meaning that this book received votes on 50% of the ballots.
The nearest other nomination received votes on 38% of the ballots.
Here are the top five books readers participating in the 2010 CSA—Readers Choice selected as the best:
Number 5, Lunatic by Ted Dekker and Kaci Hill (Thomas Nelson). Learn more about this novel from the CSA introduction.
Number 4 (second in first-place votes), By Darkness Hid by Jill Williamson (Marcher Lord Press). See the CSA intro for details about this Christy Award winning novel.
Number 3, Curse of the Spider King by Wayne Thomas Batson and Christopher Hopper (Thomas Nelson). Story summary, links to reviews, interviews, and more available in the CSA Introductory post.
Number 2, Vanishing Sculptor by Donita K Paul (WaterBrook/Multnomah).
Young adult/adult Christian fantasy
Book 1, Dragons of Chiril
Tipper is a young emerlindian who’s responsible for the upkeep of her family’s estate during her sculptor father’s absence. Tipper soon discovers that her actions have unbalanced the whole foundation of her world, and she must act quickly to undo the calamitous threat. But how can she save her father and her world on her own?
The task is too huge for one person, so she gathers the help of some unlikely companions–including the nearly five-foot tall parrot Beccaroon–and eventually witnesses the loving care and miraculous resources of Wulder.
Join new characters and old friends in a fantasy that inhabits the same world as the DragonKeeper Chronicles, but in a different country and an earlier time, where the people know nothing of Wulder or Paladin. See the rest of the CSA introduction.
* * *
NUMBER 1, the 2010 CSA Readers’ Choice Winner
Bones of Makaidos by Bryan Davis
Young adult Christian contemporary fantasy/supernatural suspense
As the fiery wall of Abraham dies away, the people of Second Eden wait for the coming war. Giants and dragons will soon break through the barrier and attack, powered by the hatred they have stored up for four years. Although they have prepared for the onslaught, a spy has come among them, one who learns their weaknesses.
Meanwhile, Bonnie, Shiloh, and Sapphira leave their protective hideout deep in the heart of Hades. Equipped with a new secret weapon, they are now ready to join Billy, Walter, Ashley and the others in second Eden to help them and the good dragons fight the invading army.
As the battle rages, a new helper arises, the only one who knows how to use Bonnie’s secret weapon, but the spy is ready to destroy him the moment he arrives. And with Devin the dragon slayer in their midst, proving that more evil forces have descended upon their world, the people of New Eden don’t know whom to trust.
– from
View more details about this award-winning book, and take a moment to congratulate author Bryan Davis, here or at his blog.
Portions of this post are cross posted from Speculative Faith.
Rebecca, Thanks for doing this. It was fun. May I ask how many total votes there were. Just curious? Alison Pickrell
I bet the only reason By Darkness Hid didn’t win is because a lot of people haven’t read it yet. But congrats to Mr. Davis anyway! And CotSk at #3? Awesome!
Congratulations to Bryan Davis for his 2010 CSA Readers’ Choice award, and congratulations to the other 2010 CSA Readers’ Choice nominees!
These are all great stories.
I read the top 4! Congrats to the winner — and the other authors we well. Glad we have some many possible winners. Says a lot about this genre and its authors.
I’m so glad Bones of Makaidos won! This series is my favorite series of books and it really changed my life and helped me grow in my relationship with God! Mr. Davis is an amazing man of God and he truly deserved this award! The other authors are excellent as well and congratulations to the top 5!