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140. When Should You Start Playing Christmas Music—the Best and Worst?

Sing along with us and debate when to enjoy your Christmas music, including your favorite seasonal songs and the worst tunes you’ve ever heard.
Fantastical Truth on Dec 6, 2022 · Series: · Reply

It’s the holiday season! So we would like to say a few words: Whoop-de-do. Also: hickory-dock. These inspiring words come from just exa-a-actly the worst-written Christmas song you may have ever heard of. But you have heard of it—and many others. Which songs are your least favorite? Which fantastical songs are the best? And when should you start listening to Christmas music? Should we Christians fight, even politely, over “secular” versus “sacred” Christmas songs? Hum along with us while we begin a new podcast season: Christmas Magic.

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  • Enjoy early candy canes, chocolate drops, and for the British, tangerines!
  • We’ll assume that it’s okay to celebrate Christmas (is this a future topic?).
  • We mean no insult to any classic or new artists, not even Andy Williams.
  • Music, like stories, can bring strong emotion. All this is tongue-in-cheek.
  • We’re quoting some comments from heroes in our Lorehaven Guild!
  • Finally, if we’re very festive, we might break into (public domain) songs.
"It's the Holiday Season," worst-written Christmas song?

No holiday shade meant. It’s just not exa-a-actly great writing. (Stephen is accountable for this meme.)

1. When should you start the Christmas music?

2. What are the best fantastical Christmas songs?

3. Which are the worst Christmas songs you hear?

Com station

Carey Green commented:

I’m half way through the cycle now and have loved it.

Lisa added her anticipation:

It took me 10 minutes to read this short article because I am BEYOND excited!! Please be quality, please my favorite author and my favorite series (tied with his Song of Albion). When I first read these books 30+ years ago, it made me want to be a better Christian. So, so good!

Chris pleaded with series creators (whoever they are):

Please please please do this series justice. Could be a cultural phenomenon if don’t right

Finally, inkslingerjournal slung some ink:

I read the first three books when they were released and it was one of the best stories and they remain with me all these years later.

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Next on Fantastical Truth

Some months ago, a certain other Lord of the Rings-ish TV show prompted some fans to say, “Now we’re really going to appreciate The Hobbit film trilogy!” But after that certain other show, we saw little appreciation. Mostly the fans wanted to criticize that certain other show. Stephen says he never stopped appreciating The Hobbit films, yet feels alone in a company of Dwarves who really seem to hate those movies. Next week an old friend returns to explore the Hobbit film trilogy, whose first film, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, released ten years ago this month. is created by biblical Christian fans and storytellers to explore fantastical stories for God’s glory. Use our powerful book search engine to find great Christian-made fantastical fiction for your family—sorting by young readers plus teens+YA and adults. Get articles and podcasts that go deeper into fantasy, sci-fi, and beyond. Subscribe free to get resources by email and join the Guild!

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