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196. How Do Fantastical Books Get Made? | with Jamie Foley

We go behind the scenes at Enclave Publishing to follow the creation of a new fantastical novel: from draft to page design to final publication.
Fantastical Truth on Jan 23, 2024 · Reply

We all love fantastical books. But how do fantastical books get made? Who takes all that raw material, polishes the edges, and turns the story into a shining jewel? We’ll explore this magical process, the making of fantastical novels, with Enclave Publishing creative director Jamie Foley.

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  1. Enclave Publishing: Mortal Queens
  2. The Culling Begins by Anthony DeGroot
  3. I. W.R.I.T.E.: How to Write a Novel course

Mission update

Jamie FoleyIntroducing guest Jamie Foley

Award-winning sci/fi-fantasy author Jamie Foley loves strategy games, gardening, and making lembas bread. She’s terrified of red wasps and uses them for lightsaber training. When not working as the Creative Director at Enclave Publishing, the typesetter for The Christian Writers Institute, or a suspicious monarch at Fayette Press, she’s probably drawing maps to Cair Paravel. Her husband is her manly astronaut preacher muse. They live between the Texas Hill Country and the family cattle ranch, where their hyperactive spawnling and wolfpack roam.

1. Editors help make the story fitter for print

2. Artists design the cover, pages, and promos

3. Publishers print the book and send it to readers

Com station

  • Do you prefer hardbacks, paperbacks, or digital copies of novels?

S. Dorman remarked on episode 195 about “personal liberation”:

Hi Zak, I believe it was you that had a self-satirical comment on the minimize morality podcast (195). Have you ever done a podcast devoted to satire, satire by Christians? I’d like to listen if there is one.

Next on Fantastical Truth

We explore a lot of Christian-made fantastical books. But what about video game stories? What about Christians making different kinds of playable adventures set in worlds like The Wingfeather Saga and the Redwall series? Chris Skaggs, founder and operator of Soma Games, helps us play video games for Christ’s glory while he takes us behind the scenes at his studio.

In the Fantastical Truth podcast from Lorehaven, hosts E. Stephen Burnett and Zackary Russell explore fantastical stories for God's glory.

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    Fantastical Truth

    Lorehaven explores fantastical stories for God's glory: fantasy, sci-fi, and beyond.

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