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210. What Can First-Time Guests Expect at a Christian Writers’ Conference? | with J. J. Johnson

Christian authors make amazing stories while conferences like Realm Makers help make the authors—and are poised to grow even bigger.
Fantastical Truth on Apr 30, 2024 · Reply

We’re partners with Realm Makers is the leading fantastical conference for Christian creatives. Recently organizers shared that over 40 percent of registrations for this July’s event are first-time guests. This brings back memories! So we thought we’d share them with you. What’s it like at a writers’ conference? And what should first-time guests expect at Realm Makers and beyond?

Episode sponsors

  1. Enclave Publishing: Lion Warrior by James R. Hannibal
  2. Realm Makers 2024 writers’ conference
  3. Story Embers summit, May 23–25, 2024

Mission update

J. J. JohnsonIntroducing guest J. J. Johnson

J. J. Johnson is the author of the Iggy and Oz comedic fantasy series for middle grade readers, and the new marketing director for Realm Makers. J. J. grew up in Pryor Creek Oklahoma and attending Oklahoma Baptist University, majoring in student ministry. He lives in Edmond, Oklahoma with his wife Ashley and their two children.

Concession stand

  • We’re still not a writers’ podcast. Yet many of our listeners are writers.
  • Yet now Realm Makers is poised to grow beyond its creator audience.
  • Listen to the end for a special preview for Realm Makers summer 2025!

1. What do we recall about first writing conferences?

2. How can newcomers enjoy writing conferences?

  • “You’ve taken your first step into a larger world” (Obi-Wan Kenobi).
  • Remember that this is a journey, not a make-or-break single chance.
  • If you’re working on a novel, pitch that story happily—when asked!
  • Always, always ask everyone else about their stories, maybe more often.
  • It is humbling, then joy-giving, to meet others who are just as creative.
  • Don’t ever retreat to your room to write/edit. “Not a great plan.”
  • You’ve spent the money. Use it wisely. Steward your time. Meet others!
  • Still, it’s okay to pace yourself, skip a class, catch a siesta in your room.
  • Bring lots of drinking water. Avoid coffee-binging. Regulate your sleep.
  • Don’t celebrity-chase. Sit with someone new. Engage whole-heartedly.
  • Stephen has found that many “nobodys” quickly become “somebodies”!
  • And then you were there with those people to be part of their journeys.
  • That way is better for building shared trust. Even better, you honor Jesus.

3. What’s the future of the Realm Makers event?

Com station

Top question for listeners

  • What are your memories attending a fan event or writers’ conference?

Next on Fantastical Truth

King David was a man after God’s own heart. But he failed. King Arthur was the legendary ruler of Britain. But he also failed. And in newer fiction, Paul Atreides was the prophesied Lisan al Gaib. And, once again, he failed. Why is it so frustrating to watch all these real and fictional heroes keep failing?

In the Fantastical Truth podcast from Lorehaven, hosts E. Stephen Burnett and Zackary Russell explore fantastical stories for God's glory.

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    Lorehaven explores fantastical stories for God's glory: fantasy, sci-fi, and beyond.

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