Story Embers

The 2024 Story Embers Summit will help you discover how your faith intersects with your writing life when you’re struggling over a scene in your manuscript.

Are you a Christian writer looking for training that enriches you both as a writer and as a Christian?

The 2024 Story Embers Summit will help you discover how your faith intersects with your writing life when you’re struggling over a scene in your manuscript. Your faith doesn’t need to be on the sidelines of your writing journey.

Authors like Sara Ella, Steven James, Carla Hoch, and Thomas Umstattd Jr. are coming together to tackle the tough issues Christian writers wrestle with. The summit will help you grow your confidence through thought-provoking sessions, small group discussions over Zoom, and even a query letter workshop!

You can learn more about the 2024 Story Embers Summit and how the speakers can help you blend your faith & writing craft more effectively by visiting

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