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of the best Christian-made fantastical fiction.
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all results in Christian-made novels from Bethany House
Abramm Kalladorne has returned to Kiriath to claim the crown he thought he would never wear and to prepare his people for the inevitable attack of the Armies of the Black Moon.
The god of the soil is furious. Volcanic eruptions, sinkholes, earthquakes—everything points to his unhappiness. At least this is what the people of Armania in the Five Realms believe.
In a world divided between haves and have-nots, gifted and common, Willet Dura soon learns he’s been passed the rarest gift of all—a gift that’s not supposed to exist.
No one is safe while the Dragonwitch searches for the sword that slew her twice … and for the one person who can wield it. Book 5 of the Tales of Goldstone Wood fantasy series.
Rose Red trusts no one with her secret. She hides in the forest, her face veiled in rags, shunning the company of all save her old father and her nanny goat. Her life is bleak and lonely.
Former elite soldier Nolan Gray decides to defend the helpless, tear down the wicked, and wage a one-man war on the heart of man, and he won’t stop until the world is the way it should be.
Princess Una of Parumvir has come of age and will soon marry. She dreams of a charming prince, but when her first suitor arrives, he’s not what she’d hoped.
Anne Elisabeth Stengl’s Heartless takes the form of a fairy tale while creating a completely new story to delight and inspire.
Maia Peter is the daughter of two world-renowned “ghost hunters” who has grown up around the paranormal. To her most of the Ghost Town amusement is just Hollywood special effects. Until the very last attraction.
Candace MacHugh’s father promised to contact her from the “other side” if he could … but it’s been eleven long years. But one evening from the shadows she hears a familiar voice.
The world changed after that terrible day when the sky burned. But an anonymous but powerful hero emerges from the wreckage. He is Grant Borrows, one a chosen few who walk the earth with extraordinary powers.
Believed dead by all but the handful of supporters who rescued him from his Mataian enemies, Abramm Kalladorne has fled his homeland to the high mountains of northern Chesedh.
Grant Borrows has been Shifted—in the silence between heartbeats, his whole life fundamentally altered. There’s another man in the world wearing his face and living his life. What’s more, the man staring back from his mirror is a stranger.