2014 CSA Nominations Are Now Open

The Clive Staples Award for Christian Speculative Fiction is once again sponsored by Speculative Faith and the Realm Makers Conference for Speculative Fiction. Like last year, the winner will be announced at the conference, but this year, rather than being held in the fall, the two-day event will take place at the end of May.
Added to that fact, the CSA committee is planning to have a panel of judges choose the winner from the top three books selected via readers choice. Consequently, the schedule for the CSA is somewhat abbreviated compared to last year. Here’s what it looks like:
- Nominations: February 16-28
- Voters read books and reviews (nominations featured on CSA blog): March 1-15
- Readers vote for top three: March 17-24
- Judges read finalist books and vote: March 24-May 15
- Award Preparation: May 16-29
- Award Announcement: Realm Makers Conference, May 30-31
The first two rounds of the award are still in the hands of readers, beginning with the nominations which we’re opening today.
However there are some requirements, both for the books that are eligible and for the voters who can vote. Here’s what you need to know.
Clive Staples Award for Christian Speculative Fiction
Recognizing the best in Christian Speculative Fiction
The books that are eligible must be all of the following:
- Christian—either overtly or because of a Christian worldview
- published in English
- published by a publisher which has no direct affiliation with the author and which pays a royalty (i.e. not self-published, even through any of the services offered by publishing companies)
- published between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013
- in the science fiction/fantasy/allegory/futuristic/supernatural/supernatural suspense/horror category
Nomination guidelines
- Because this is primarily a readers award, authors, agents, and publishers may not nominate books with which they are affiliated.
- Those wishing to nominate a book must leave a comment including the title, author, and publisher.
Readers’ Choice Voting
Voters will be eligible only if they have read two or more of the books nominated. We want this to be a selection by readers of Christian speculative fiction, not just the fans of particular authors.
Below are standards to consider.
Standards for Clive Staples Award books:
- Quality writing style and mechanics
- Believable and well-developed world-building
- Depth of characterization
- Well-structured, unpredictable, and interesting plot
- A central theme consistent with a Christian worldview that arises from the characters and events and is well-integrated into the story
If you would like to nominate a book for the Clive Staples Award, please leave the required information in the comments section below or at the award site.
Dragonwitch, by Anne Elisabeth Stengl. 5th in the Goldstone Wood series.
Thanks, Elwen. I believe that one is published by Bethany, if I’m not correct.
I nominate Failstate: Legends by John Otte.
That’s Marcher Lord Press, right Adam?
Merlin’s Shadow, by Robert Treskillard (Blink)
The Hero’s Lot, by Patrick Carr (Bethany House)
Dark Halo, by Shannon Dittemore (Thomas Nelson)
Storm, by Evan Angler (Thomas Nelson)
Never to Live, by Just B. Jones (Marcher Lord)
Nightriders, by Marc Schooley (Marcher Lord)
Captives by Jill Williamson (Blink)
Amish Vampires in Space by Kerry Nietz (Marcher Lord Press)
I’d like to add another: The Shadow Lamp, by Stephen Lawhead (Thomas Nelson)
Shannon, you’re allowed to double dip! 😉
I can see you’re going to have quite a time deciding who to vote for.
Dark Halo by Shannon Dittemore (Thomas Nelson)
Truth Runner / Jerel Law (Thomas Nelson)
Shadow Chaser / Jerel Law (Thomas Nelson)
King / R. J. Larson (Bethany House)
Captives / Jill Williamson (Zondervan)
to suggest a few . . .
I’d like to nominate “Rage’s Echo” by J.S. Bailey
Tate Publishing
I didn’t know J.S. Bailey had a new novel. I’m going to have to check that out.
The Shadow Lamp by Stephen Lawhead (Thomas Nelson)
The Shadow and Night by Chris Walley (Tyndale)
Sandstorm by Steve Rzasa (Marcher Lord)
The Ale Boy’s Feast by Jeffrey Overstreet (Waterbrook)
I’d like to nominate:
Broken Wings by Shannon Dittemore, Thomas Nelson.
Dark Halo by Shannon Dittemore, Thomas Nelson.
Captives by Jill Williamson, Zondervan.
I have 3:
Son of Truth by Morgan L. Busse (MLP)
The Ryn by Serena Chase (Candent Gate)
The Remedy by Serena Chase (Candent Gate)
I’d like to nominate 2:
The Sinners’ Garden by William Sirls, Thomas Nelson
Memory’s Door, James L. Rubart, Thomas Nelson
Special thanks to all who took the time to nominate books for the 2014 CSA. The nominations are now officially closed.
I nominate J.S. Bailey’s Rage’s Echo!!!