Fantasy Tour This Fall

As you may remember, a group of fantasy writers issued a press release recently announcing a West Coast book tour. In preparation for this event, they are once again posting information on the Fantasy Four Web site set up last summer as a supplement for their East Coast tour. I say “their” but in actuality, the number of authors has doubled.
Now eight fantasy writers will be traveling from Seattle to San Diego, talking about their works, meeting fans, and signing books. It sounds like great fun.
I mentioned the preparation. Since four new authors have joined the book tour, introductions seemed necessary. Already three are up, in the form of an interview.
Here’s a sample:
First from Wayne Thomas Batson
Q: Are your books influenced by your own childhood in any way?
I think so. Aidan is a lot like I was when I was in my tweens. Creative, hopeful, and thoughtful—but not very outgoing. I always longed for adventure, but most of mine were in my imagination. Aidan’s fear of Robby’s Basement came straight out of my own childhood fear. My parents had a split basement. The unfinished side, the workside as we called it, was the creepiest place on the planet. I was always afraid that some creature lurked in its shadowy confines—that it waited for someone to venture too close to the open door. I used to leap over the side of the stairs onto a couch to avoid going by that basement door.
Next was Bryan Davis.
Q. What did you want to be when you were growing up? How did you go from there to becoming a writer?
When I was quite young, I wanted to be a professional athlete, either a baseball or a basketball player. As I went through my teen years, I enjoyed math and science, so I pursued and obtained an engineering degree and later became a computer professional.
I became interested in writing mainly through homeschooling our children. Teaching them how to write was an important part of the curriculum, so I decided to write a story as an example. Every Friday night, which was our family night, my wife would read my week’s writing out loud. I had so much fun creating this story, it grew into a novel. Although it never got published, this experience ignited a passion in me to write more.
Then the most recent, from L.B. Graham, author of The Binding of the Blade series (P&R Publishing).
The fifth and final novel of “The Binding of the Blade” just came out. How does it feel to be finished?
Actually, I was finished writing All My Holy Mountain, the last book in the series, in 2006, and it did feel a little surreal. BOTB runs about 2500 pages all told, and it is essentially one big story rather than five individual ones (though I guess the first book could be seen as a sort of prologue to the other four). At any rate, it was a pretty sizable undertaking and it felt almost odd to be finished.
As a regular feature on the site, author Sharon Hinck is posting prayer requests for these authors as the weeks leading up to the tour fly by. I encourage you to consider adding these requests to your prayer list. From this last Sunday:
Every Sunday, I’ll post updated prayer requests and praise reports from the authors and tour organizers.
You can add this site to your FeedBlitz or other subscription manager, in order to receive updates directly into your email box.
And feel free, if you are so led, to write a prayer about one or more of these requests in the comment section. It’s a way to have a little “prayer service” together via the cyberworld.
From Sharon Hinck – seeing huge improvements in health and energy, and was able to finish galleys on a new book last week. Please pray for her as she is traveling the next few weeks, including at the International Christian Retail Show
From Donita K. Paul – My prayer request would be for health and focus. I am on a very tight deadline. I do wish I could write fast!
From Wayne Batson – Praise that Kayla hasn’t had a faint spell in more than 3 weeks. Pray for discipline in writing–ie: get your butt in the chair and write, Wayne! lol
Four of the authors will be attending ICRS – pray for them at their press meeting on July 15th – that media would be excited about the tour and help us spread the word.
Thank you so much!
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