Guest Blog – Mike Dellosso

The Philosophy of Me
Mike Dellosso
When Becky asked about writing a guest post she said I could write about anything I wanted as long as it was somehow related to speculative fiction and then she mentioned the P-word: Philosophy. She said I could write about my philosophy of life, writing, whatever.
Now, I’ll be the first to admit I’m no philosopher, my well doesn’t run that deep, but I do like to think, and thinking is part of philosophizing, right? So I shall think and write and let’s just pretend it’s some kind of philosophy. Okay? Please, humor me.
My philosophy on life
In March of 2008 I was diagnosed with stage III colon cancer (on St. Patrick’s day no less—so much for the luck of the Irish). That diagnosis brings with it a lot of baggage, both emotionally and physically. Cancer is a monster of the scariest kind. Seriously, it makes the boogeyman look like Danny Devito in a speedo. For more than a year I battled that monster through surgeries, chemo, an ostomy, two bowel obstructions, and a roller coaster of emotional ups and downs. I feared; I doubted; I cried; I prayed; I prayed some more; and then I got a whole new respect for life and its fragility. It’s preciousness. It’s brevity. I learned that there’s a lot in life that seems like it matters, but the list of things that really do matter is much, much shorter. I learned to not make mountains out of molehills. I learned that love really can cover a multitude of sins. I learned that a little discomfort isn’t the worst thing in the world. I learned what fear really is and that, yes, it can be beaten into the ground. I learned that God is always—always—faithful; that He provides when we don’t even know what the need is; that He loves me way more than I could ever love Him back; and that He can be felt and heard in the deepest, darkest valley.
I learned that, besides God, the love of my family is the most important thing in the world to me. I learned that life is short and every day counts—make the most of it.
My philosophy on writing
I started writing in 1998 as a way of dealing with the emotional juggernaut I was experiencing following the almost-deadly motorcycle accident of my brother-in-law. From the beginning my dream was to be published. I wanted to reach people with my writing. I had so much to say, that which I had kept silent about for so long due to a stuttering problem I’ve wrestled with all my life. Writing was my voice. In 2007 I signed my first contract with Realms Fiction (Strang Book Group). My dream had come true. Since that first contract I’ve signed three more, totaling seven additional books (five of which have not been published yet). I’m a regular guy, self-taught writer, who happened to get a break. And you know what? I don’t take it for granted for one minute. I know the numbers, the odds, and how many writers are out there waiting for their break. And many of them are probably more deserving than me. I’ve been blessed and I count those blessings every day. I write every book as if it is my last. I pour myself into my writing and everything that comes along after the writing. This is my megaphone, my platform to share my heart with the world, and I’m not going to waste it.
My philosophy on Christian horror
There are those out there who think Christian horror is an oxymoron. To them I respectfully say . . . you couldn’t be more wrong. If anyone is qualified to write horror, shouldn’t it be a Christian? Who else knows better the true source of fear, the dwelling place of darkness, and the power of light—of The Light—to overcome that darkness? Who else has personally experienced the horror of sin and the triumph of love? As far as I’m concerned, Christians have a responsibility to expose the dark side for what it is, to shine the light on its source and weakness, and to tell the world of the Conqueror, Jesus. This may sound crazy, and maybe it is (believe it or not, I’ve been called crazy before), but I see horror, so long as it’s done right, as a celebration of what Christ accomplished on the cross. He defeated sin, overcame the evil one. We have no need to fear. Now, as for “done right,” I mean horror that illustrates the redemptive power of Christ; that plainly shows the triumph of good over evil, light over darkness; that points the reader toward the hope we have in Christ, whether stated explicitly or implicitly. That’s Christian horror. No oxymoron at all.
So there you have it, a peek at the inside of my skull. A lot goes on there, some for public consumption, some not. I’m human too. I’m weird, I’m a bit eccentric, I may even be a little nuts, but I know why I do what I do. I’m driven and overflowing with ambition. I have goals. I want to make a difference and my philosophies form the framework for how I’ll do that.
Now I challenge you. Think on these things, then think on your own things. What’s the philosophy of you?
Mike Dellosso is the author of three novels with five more on the way. He lives in Hanover, PA, with his wife and three kids (and one more of those on the way, too). When he’s not working his day job or spending time with his family, he can be found writing (at 5 AM, if you’re looking). Mike also teaches writing to homeschoolers and various courses at Lancaster Bible College. By most he’s known as a regular guy who caught a break and doesn’t want to waste it. Visit him at
[…] guest blogging today over at Speculative Faith. Check out my article, “The Philosophy of […]
Well, Mike, to write the philosophy of me would also probably take an entire blog post, at least. 😉
About your philosophy, though, I’ll have to admit, I am being swayed to your thinking about horror. I’m one who has understood the term in the past as Wikipedia defined it—stories existing to generate horror in the reader (or viewer). Others have argued me down from that position, but I still have held reservations about the emphasis on horror rather than on redemption.
This part really is philosophical for me, though, because I was scared long, long ago as a child by a Frankenstein movie—such that it stayed with me for years and years. From that point on, I have not enjoyed fright-producing stories (I’m in Brandilyn Collins’s Big Honkin’ Chicken Club, and proud of it. 😀 ) and consequently don’t read them.
I guess I have to resign myself to not being part of your target audience, though I really do admire what you say here in this post about writing and about your genre.
Becky, I’ll keep trying to sway you all the way into trying one of my books . . . even if you have to read it in broad daylight 🙂 And as for target audience, I hope my “audience” encompasses more than just those who read my books. You’re in it!
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Glynn Young and Maureen Doallas, Mike Dellosso. Mike Dellosso said: I'm guest blogging over at Speculative Faith. "The Philosophy of Me." […]
Mike, I connected with you on ShoutLife a couple of years back and interviewed you just before your cancer diagnosis, as you were waiting for the final word from Realms on The Hunted.
That diagnosis hit me pretty hard–I’d just spoken to you, and all was well and hopeful, and then it wasn’t. I remember you writing about the notion (someone must have said this to you or something) that the cancer news might generate a platform for your book. You flipped that on its head with a wonderful Godward perspective–you said God gave you the contract just at the right time to lift your spirits for the cancer fight, for the sake of your family.
I have no question that the finding of God in deep, dark valleys is no cliche in this instance. Keep pressing onward, man.
“Five more on the way” sounds excellent to me, by the way. Congrats on Darlington Woods, and all the best as you go forward.
Cat, I remember that interview well. It was right before the most trying time of my life. Everyone goes through valleys, everyone faces monsters. That’s what horror is all about, what Christian horror is all about. Facing those monsters and conquering them, going through those valleys and finding the light on the other side.
Thanks for the comment. Great to hear from you.
Excellent article. I’m not a horror fan myself (same experience as Becky… my imagination can run way too wild and my husband hates checking under the bed and closet for monsters for me :), but your description of Christian Horror made me think.
Glad it made you think, Morgan, that’s all I can ask. And as for monsters under the bed . . . you mean they’re not real?
Mike, you can definitely count me in your audience. I am a fan of your blog posts, having recently subscribed to your site and added the link on mine. You write good! 😉
Found this post at The Anomaly. Really enjoyed your perspective on Christian Horror, Mike. Also, your line about God providing our need even when we don’t know what it is struck a chord with me. Thanks for being true to God and yourself!