Let The Reading Begin

Now that the 2014 CSA nominations are closed, we have several weeks to read books on the list.
Remember, to be eligible to vote for the finalists you MUST have read AT LEAST two of the nominations.
Voting begins March 17.
The CSA team still needs to do some verification to be sure that all the books which have been nominated meet the CSA eligibility qualifications, but the list we have at this point is as follows (alphabetized by the author’s first name):
Dragonwitch, Anne Elisabeth Stengl, Bethany
The Circle Girls, Anya Novikov, Watershed Books
Exodus Rising, Bryan Davis, Zondervan
Constant Tower, Carole McDonnell, Wildside Press
Storm, Evan Angler, Thomas Nelson
Secrets Kept, J. L. Mbewe, AltWit Press
Rage’s Echo, J.S. Bailey, Tate Publishing
Memory’s Door, James L. Rubart, Thomas Nelson
Heroes of the Horde 1: Unleashed, Jennifer Hartz, Desert Breeze Publishing
Future Savior Book 1: Revelation, Jennifer Hartz, Desert Breeze Publishing
Shadow Chaser, Jerel Law, Thomas Nelson
Truth Runner, Jerel Law, Thomas Nelson
Captives, Jill Williamson, Blink
Failstate: Legend, John Otte, Marcher Lord Press
Never to Live, Just B. Jones, Marcher Lord Press
Amish Vampires in Space, Kerry Nietz, Marcher Lord Press
Anomoly, Krista McGee, Thomas Nelson
Luminary, Krista McGee, Thomas Nelson
The Darker Road, L.B. Graham, AMG Publishers / Living Ink Books
Nightriders, Marc Schooley, Marcher Lord Press
Son of Truth, Morgan Busse, Marcher Lord Press
A Cast of Stones, Patrick Carr, Bethany House
The Hero’s Lot, Patrick W. Carr, Bethany House
King, R. J. Larson, Bethany House
Merlin’s Blade, Robert Treskillard, Blink
Merlin’s Shadow, Robert Treskillard, Blink
A Hero’s Throne, Ross Lawhead, Thomas Nelson
The Remedy, Serena Chase, Candent Gate
The Ryn, Serena Chase, Candent Gate
Broken Wings, Shannon Dittemore, Thomas Nelson
Dark Halo, Shannon Dittemore, Thomas Nelson
The Shadow Lamp, Stephen Lawhead, Thomas Nelson
Sandstorm, Steve Rzasa, Marcher Lord
The Sinners’ Garden, William Sirls, Thomas Nelson
Nice selection, it will be hard to pick one! I loved the 15 on this list that I’ve already read!
I’m with you, Meagan. It’s not going to be easy for me to decide who to vote for either. There are some really excellent books on that list!
BTW, for those who’d like a little intro of each book, we’re posting those over at the CSA site. If you haven’t subscribed to those posts, you might want to do so in order not to miss any of them.
Go to http://clivestaplesaward.wordpress.com/
I’ve read 13 on this list and it’s hard to decide between those . . . .