Week Two: 2015 Spec Faith Winter Writing Challenge

The opportunity to submit an entry into Spec Faith’s 2015 Winter Writing Challenge has now closed. We’ve received a good number of outstanding stories, some coming in over the weekend.
We now have a week to finish rating the entries. Remember, you can “thumbs up” as many stories as you wish. Also, feel free to comment, telling the authors what you like about their story or giving them constructive criticism which might benefit them.
Then next week we’ll announce the three finalists.
The drawback of a readers’ choice contest is that it might turn into a popularity contest, but on the other hand, we need reader feedback for the contest to be successful. The best answer, I think, is for Spec Faith visitors to connect with family, friends, and followers (our share buttons make this quite easy) and encourage their fair and unbiased feedback (as opposed to, “Vote for my favorite—you don’t really need to read any of the entries,” which I’ve seen from some regarding other contests).
Thanks ahead of time for letting others know that we need their feedback.
And special thanks to each of the authors who shared their work with us. We have some really entertaining stories to choose from. What a great predicament!
Popularity contests are just annoying! May the BEST entries make the final rounds. 🙂 Seventy-five percent of the fun is just seeing all the different takes on the prompt and getting to critique them. 😀
I hope the voting buttons stay fixed! Friends are reporting a lot of issues being unable to vote.