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Quest For Atlan

Step back in time to a primal civilizationwhere giants dwell, dragons fly and the battle between good and evil still rages on, threatening Noah’s life — and the ark that would preserve faith and humanity. Book 2 of the Cradleland Chronicles series by Douglas Hirt.
· July 2005 · for ,

Step back in time to a primal civilization in the Garden of Eden where giants dwell, dragons fly and the battle between good and evil still rages on, threatening Noah’s life — and the ark that would preserve faith and humanity!

In this, the second of the Cradleland Series, Rhone’s evil brother rules over Atlan — until Rhone is commissioned by the Gardener to remove him! But there are obstacles to overcome — the forces of evil and even the power of love that sometimes clouds our way. Still, Rhone must find a place where Noah can be safe and eventually build the ark that will preserve faith in the earth through a remnant of souls.

Book 2 of the Cradleland Chronicles series.

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