Discover 1,390 listed novel titles
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of the best Christian-made fantastical fiction.
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Scientist Marian Creighton was skeptical of her father’s lifelong research of ancient holy water—until she ingests some of it and finds herself transported back to the Middle Ages.
Driven from his home by the suspicions of an angry brother, the Knight must fight for purpose as he rides on a quest to bring peace to a neighboring kingdom.
Three best friend bunnies are living in a Social Credit system, and are enjoying their lives until they run into trouble.
Minna Sundberg’s short graphic novel celebrates adorable bunnies and the full gospel while warning against modern consumerism and moralistic surveillance.
Facing an uncertain future for herself and her kingdom, Princess Katherine must learn what it means to fully place her trust in God and the people who love her most.
When DNA evidence reveals that Fade’s biological father is the elusive and enigmatic assassin known only as Syphon, Fade can’t shake the target this newly discovered connection puts on him.
In a future world of Forgettings, history is trapped in an eternal medieval age and sorcery is brain-powered neurojectics, the heritage of a distant technological past.