Discover 1,382 listed novel titles
and 330 reviews
of the best Christian-made fantastical fiction.
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all results in Christian-made novels by Bryan Davis
Eddie Hertz is smart, real smart. He has to be. What other twelve-year-old patrols the streets of Nirvana alone, hoping to foil the schemes of the evil Mephisto?
Adrian Masters journeys into the wilderness of Starlight, the dragon planet, in search of his brother Frederick who has built a refuge for runaway slaves.
Expert swordsman Adrian Masters attempts a dangerous journey to another world to rescue human captives who have been enslaved there by dragons. Book 1 of the Tales of Starlight fantasy series for middle-grade readers and older.
Jason Masters doubted the myths that told of people taken through a portal to another realm and enslaved by dragons. At the same time, Koren, a slave in the dragons’ realm, discovers she has a gift that could either save or help doom her people.