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105. What If Planet Earth Was Invaded By Hostile Corporate Aliens? | Maxine Justice: Galactic Attorney with Daniel Schwabauer

Daniel Schwabauer joins us to explore this new heroine’s legal defense of planet Earth.
Fantastical Truth on Mar 29, 2022 · Reply

What if you were an ambulance-chasing lawyer, desperate for relevance and cash, until aliens hire you to represent them before the United Nations? They want to heal every human disease in exchange for 30 percent of Earth’s gold, which turns you into the target for not only big pharmaceutical companies, but the aliens themselves. That’s the world of Maxine Justice: Galactic Attorney, landing on Earthling shelves this week. Sci-fi writer Daniel Schwabauer joins us to explore these new ETs who don’t attack militaries, but big business.

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Daniel SchwabauerIntroducing author Daniel Schwabauer

Daniel Schwabauer is an award-winning author, speaker, and teacher. He is the creator of The One Year Adventure Novel, Cover Story, Byline creative writing curricula, and the author of the young adult novels in The Legends of Tira-Nor series. His professional work also includes stage plays, radio scripts, short stories, newspaper columns, comic books and scripting for animated TV.

Chapter 1: How did you discover biblical faith and fantastic imagination?

  • What role (if any) did C. S. Lewis’s works (of course) play in your testimony?
  • You’ve written a lot of nonfiction, so what leads to your creating fantasy?
  • What biblical themes and images often find their way to your fiction?

Chapter 2: How did you meet Maxine Justice and this sci-fi world?

  • This book is almost like Galaxy Quest meets John Grisham.
  • You don’t get a lot of Christian legal thrillers that aren’t about social issues.
  • Readers tend to connect fantasy, rather than sci-fi, to overt Christian ideas.

Chapter 3: What’s next for your creative worlds?

  • How have readers responded to Operation Grendel and your other works?
  • What other characters and worlds might summon you next?

Com station

Brave Sir Robin replied to ep. 103 about Christians clashing:

The challenge is not only to present “steel men” to oppose the protagonist but also to portray this protagonist as an “earthen vessel.” I have a particular fondness for unreliable first-person narrators like Huckleberry Finn, Nick Carroway from The Great Gatsby, and Offred, the narrator of A Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood (which I am currently reading because the enemy of my enemy may serve as my ally for a time.)

One hero at the Lorehaven Guild replied to ep. 104 about Pilgrim’s Progress:

This episode rocked, you guys. You could have kept talking for another hour and I would have stayed glued to my headset. From John Bunyan to Veggie Tales and back again. Great stuff. I’ll be checking out the podcast and more about your guest

Next on Fantastical Truth

Lorehaven is headed to a live event in Round Rock, Texas. We will appear with James R. Hannibal and Jamie Foley at the Lorehaven booth, and I wouldn’t be surprised if we get to talk with them about the event, along with any passersby families who don’t mind sharing why they love fantastical Christian-made stories, games, and beyond.

In the Fantastical Truth podcast from Lorehaven, hosts E. Stephen Burnett and Zackary Russell explore fantastical stories for God's glory and apply their wonders to the real world Jesus calls us to serve.

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    Fantastical Truth
    Fantastical Truth

    Lorehaven explores fantastical stories for God's glory: fantasy, sci-fi, and beyond.

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