/ Library / Genres /fantasy
My Father's Ghost by A. C. Wilson

My Father’s Ghost

Escaping from her family’s slaughter is just the first battle Haeli has to endure, as she seeks to turn the tables on evil seemingly set to trap her at every turn.
The Kairos Quest by Lauren Graves

The Kairos Quest

With a Realm tottering on the brink of war, Elliot must race against time to find the lost relics before all comes crashing down.
A Bond of Briars by Erin Phillips

A Bond of Briars

As her bond grows stronger, Caitrin must prove her blood magic isn’t dangerous or suffer the consequences of the truth being discovered.
“A Bond of Briars shows a beautiful love story, blending the biblical Ruth narrative with prophecy and hopes of redemption from spiritual warfare that binds the soul.”
The Mermaid's Tale, L. E. Richmond

The Mermaid’s Tale

Locklyn and Darin seek to save their family, their kingdom, and eventually the entire Undersea Realm without losing each other.
“L. E. Richmond swims through the murky waters of racism, family legacy, and political intrigue in this exciting undersea adventure.”
Hamelin Stoop: The Battle of Parthogen by Robert B. Sloan

Hamelin Stoop: The Battle of Parthogen

It’s up to Hamelin and his friends to save not only Princess Sophia but all of Parthogen before Landon’s reinforcements arrive and doom the Land of Gloaming forever.
Shadowcast by Crystal D. Grant


A dark soldier on a mission of vengeance is wounded and laid up in the home of a peasant girl who mistakes him for one of the Steward knights he despises.
Dustsong: Len the Wanderer, M. B. Heywood

Dustsong: Len the Wanderer

Len is cast into a young world of unlikely allies and unforeseen peril, but the greatest threats lurk within.
Steal the Morrow by Jenelle Leanne Schmidt

Steal the Morrow

Olifur soon finds himself ensnared in a web of professional thieves, and he must think fast if he is to survive the day.
“Jenelle Schmidt’s Steal the Morrow examines personal integrity and the value of reputation in a light fantasy setting.”
Song of the Selkies by Sarah Pennington

Song of the Selkies

Undercover in a foreign land, a princess discovers the secrets behind a generations-old enmity.
Crack the Stone by Emily Golus

Crack the Stone

Goblin convict Valshara Sh’a flees a merciless bounty hunter in this fantasy retelling of Les Misérables.
“Emily Golus cleverly reimagines Victor Hugo’s masterpiece Les Misérables into Crack the Stone’s high fantasy world of goblins, elves, and humans.”
The Looking-Glass Illusion, Sara Ella

The Looking-Glass Illusion

Step through the looking glass. Slay the Jabberwock. Seek the King. Alice is not prepared to face what awaits beyond the Tulgey Wood.
“Sara Ella’s next adventure follows fast after The Wonderland Trials for this conclusion to the Curious Realities duology.”
Break the Beast by Allison Tebo

Break the Beast

Allison Tebo re-imagines the ancient legend of Beowulf in an epic story of redemption and grace in a high-stakes fantasy adventure.
Beneath the Swirling Sky, Elizabeth Groening

Beneath the Swirling Sky

Vincent learns his family is the last of The Restorationists, a secret society with the power to travel through paintings—and a duty to protect them from evil forces.
“Carolyn Leiloglou’s Beneath the Swirling Sky explores how people reclaim lost passions in this adventure for middle-grade readers.”
Skate the Seeker by Jeff Ayers

Skate the Seeker

Young ex-thief Skate must rely on her wits and her friends to save not only her mentor’s life but also her own.
The Eternity Gate, Katherine Briggs

The Eternity Gate

The Eternity Gate is found, and kings and monsters battle over its legends of treasure. But rumors whisper that someone stole the gate’s ancient key.
“Katherine Briggs’s Eternity Gate portrays a continent-crossing story of political intrigue and war with the backdrop of religious prophecy.”
Far Removed by C. B. Lansdell

Far Removed

After a young knyad is wrongly linked to insurgent activity, Oklas must find a way to smuggle her out of the city while hiding his involvement from the authorities.
Concordia by Brian Shukwit


Thaddeus, a resilient tikpo aided by his mentor Story, embarks on a perilous journey to master the sword art of Concordia.
Calligraphy Guild, R. M. Archer

Calligraphy Guild

Can the calligraphy guild discover which of their guildmates has altered time before the dragons pass judgment on them all?
Savage Bred, Victoria McCombs

Savage Bred

In her desperate attempt to keep the fight away, Emme hatches a plan that involves trapping the only one who can put an end to the battles.
“Victoria McCombs brings the Royal Rose Chronicles to a satisfying close and leaves readers hoping the ship’s remaining crew will find new journeys.”
King's Warrior, Jenelle Leanne Schmidt

King’s Warrior

Threat of invasion sends Princess Kamarie on a quest to seek out the legendary king’s warrior to request his aid.
Sky of Seven Colors, Rachelle Nelson

Sky of Seven Colors

Meg never imagined her wish would trap her in a gray other-earth, void of any color.
“Rachelle Nelson weaves a fantasy whose familiar elements like magical races, otherworldly portals and chosen ones are colored by vivid descriptions and bright variations.”
Mankar's Bane by F. W. Faller

Mankar’s Bane

The twins of Huravag face treachery and death to finally defeat the scourge of Mankar, the self-proclaimed emperor of Tessamandria.
The Librarian's Ruse, Thirzah Griffioen

The Librarian’s Ruse

Amelia’s peaceful life as a librarian is cut short when she and her older brother Leon are sent on an errand to Eldnaire, the capital city of the vicious Vilnarian Empire.
Where Darkness Dwells by Andrea Renae

Where Darkness Dwells

When the Creatures of Light return to the shadow-cloaked Vale, awakening a light gift in Amyrah Cantar, she struggles to uncover why she is the one who received it.
Light of Eidon, Karen Hancock

Light Of Eidon

The Light of Eidon is set in a world of swords and cloaks, of glittering palaces and mystical temples, of galley ships and ancient mist-bound cities.
The King's Feather, Amy Earls

The King’s Feather

Trapped inside steel walls, an ordinary teen girl must save her enemy’s life before she loses her own.