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of the best Christian-made fantastical fiction.
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Lorehaven Library: all Christian-made fantastical novels (newest first)
The year is 2217 and a fleet of stellar cruisers led by Commander Frank Yamane are about to come face to face with humanity’s greatest threat—the Deravan armada.
Young Achan Cham dreams of serving in the Kingsguard Knights, but he is a stray—worse than a slave—and such aspirations are out of his reach. Worse, Achan is beginning to hear strange voices in his head.
Master of disguise Charles Graves goes undercover to infiltrate one of the last Christian cells in the South. But sometimes he who persecutes the church is destined to serve her.
Hutch is a newspaper columnist, single dad … and last defense against a lunatic’s high-tech killing machine. Book 2 of the John Hutchinson series, thriller/contemporary science fiction for adult readers.
A young woman travels to the depths of the galaxy to open a tyrannical planet, but everything changes when she abducts a young resistor facing execution.
When Eirwyn is kidnapped by a ruthless tribe to serve as a sacrifice, Sir Bentley battles a vicious mountain creature to save her life. But soon he’s faced with an even bigger challenge.
Aided by Friar Tuck and his small but determined band of forest-dwelling outlaws, Rhi Bran ignites a rebellion that spreads through the Welsh valleys, forcing the wily monarch to marshal his army.
A devastating interplanetary war has been raging for decades. Young Tiet Soone, the only remaining heir to the Barudii throne, returns from exile to avenge his people. He is the final hope for restoration. Book 1 of The Chronicles of Soone space fantasy series by James Somers.
Soon the universe itself will be rocked by war between three angelic brothers for the greatest prize in the universe. It will be a war for the race of man.
As the Seventh World begins waking to unseen realities, the rise of the Gifted portends the coming of the King of ancient days—but evil is also waking.
A monstrous waking nightmare is pursuing graduate student Hailey Maniates across San Francisco to Golden Gate Park where she is rescued by a towering homeless man. She seems able to read her rescuer’s mind, but is it just a delusion?
What if Judas’s suicide didn’t end his betrayal? What if his tainted blood seeped deep into the earth, into burial caves, causing a counterfeit resurrection of the dead?
In the future, you can transfer your consciousness into an artificial body and cheat death indefinitely. But human beings aren’t the only ones who want those bodies.
Cyrus will have to call on his friends, a beautiful young cat girl, and all the power of the Capital Letters and Arbitrary Numbers if he is to live to become a full-fledged Hero.
In a medieval fantasy world in which the realm of man is dominated by a rich and powerful Church, the Most Sanctified Charity IV decides the time is ripe to make a conclusive inquiry: do elves have immortal souls?
When a bloodthirsty beastman discovers Auralia’s colors, his conscience awakens. When the heiress of a kingdom risks everything to help him, their lives hang in the balance. Book 2 of The Auralia Thread series.
Cat must choose whether to return to the ways of his notorious father and join the evil Merchant, or defy the Merchant and risk his life to save his friends.
An illuminated letter, long buried by the Church, is the catalyst for a profound war that will bring either a new age of enlightenment or a darkness the world has never before seen.
At the focal point of a coming apocalypse in the Inherited Lands stands Gideon Dawning, a troubled loner who has been marked by prophecy as the Waymaker for the Pearl.
When Kale and Bardon set aside their daily responsibilities to join meech dragons Regidor and Gilda on a quest to find a hidden meech colony, they encounter sinister forces. Their world is under attack by a secret enemy.
After the evil Dominion is defeated, Commander Merral D’Avanos must rescue thirty hostages. But first, he and his crew must survive a perilous trip through Below Space.
A beast is loose somewhere north of the Arctic Circle and it’s already charged through a secret research facility, wiping out the elite military squad that had been guarding it.
The Igibys hold the secret to the lost legend and jewels of good King Wingfeather of the Shining Isle of Anniera.
With mysterious maps, strange saviors, and monstrous menaces like toothy cows and horned hounds, On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness sets course for adventure.
As army faces army, and navy faces navy, all are drawn inexorably to the source of the epic struggle … the feeding waters of the Firefish within the Achawuk Territory.
Deep in the Northwest Territories, four vacationing friends discover that another group has targeted the secluded hamlet of Fiddler Falls for a worse purpose: to field-test the ultimate weapon.
When a dying friend shows up on her doorstep bearing the truth about the Seventh World—in the form of a written covenant with evil—Maggie is sent on a journey that will change her forever.
Suspended seventy miles above Earth, Tuck has no choice but to place his life in God’s hands—a God he has found it hard to trust since a deadly tragedy in space over a year before.
In Heaven, one man’s troubling dreams lead him to realize that the love of his earth life has been condemned to Satan’s realm. Now Chris Davis endeavors to pull off the ultimate prison break. Book 1 in the Tears of Heaven series, Biblical/supernatural fantasy for adult readers.
Peacekeepers bust a home-church in Chicago. Brother and sister, Dave and Jen Williams, are the only members who evade capture. Their only place to turn? A Christian ‘terrorist’ cell known as the Body of Christ. Book 1 of The Underground series, cyberpunk/science fiction for all ages.
A secret half a millennium old is about to be exposed—a lost letter said to have been written by Paul and part of what was to become the foundation of the Christian canon.
When thieves find an abandoned child lying in a monster’s footprint, they have no idea that their wilderness discovery will change the course of history.
Paladin is dying, and Bardon and Kale–now married–must accept fateful assignments if their land is to survive. Will their efforts turn the tide against their adversaries?
Candace MacHugh’s father promised to contact her from the “other side” if he could … but it’s been eleven long years. But one evening from the shadows she hears a familiar voice.
The world changed after that terrible day when the sky burned. But an anonymous but powerful hero emerges from the wreckage. He is Grant Borrows, one a chosen few who walk the earth with extraordinary powers.
What if all you knew was lost? What if destruction surrounded you? How would you rebuild? And where would you turn for help? Book 2 of The White Lion Chronicles by Christopher Hopper.
Rear Admiral John Wells didn’t hesitate to lead a third NASA team to Mars, but he never dreamed that one day they’d look out their laboratory module into the lights of a slow-moving vehicle not their own.
Not everyone will swear allegiance to the King, and it seems this paradise may be lost yet again because of the pride and greed of evil men who plot to free the Dark Knight and his minions.
Kate and Thomas have barely escaped the evil sorcerer Demurral, and are sailing to London to make a fresh start. But someone knows they are coming, and is lying in wait.
Within the shadow of Morgoth, the first Dark Lord, and the war waged by Morgoth against the Elves, the fates of Túrin and his sister Niënor will be tragically entwined.
It was supposed to be an adventure. But when a storm rocks their plans, five long-time friends from college find themselves hurled onto a desolate island, and relief fades to fear. Are they victims of a bizarre psychological experiment? Supernatural thriller for adult readers.
The horrors of the Tribulation are over, and Jesus Christ has set up his perfect kingdom on earth. Yet evil still lurks in the hearts of the unbelieving.
Malek has one final score to settle before he claims victory. Meanwhile, the Novaana embark on a mission to find the legendary Father of Dragons. Book 4 in The Binding of the Blade epic fantasy series by L.B. Graham.
Believed dead by all but the handful of supporters who rescued him from his Mataian enemies, Abramm Kalladorne has fled his homeland to the high mountains of northern Chesedh.
Andrea, a young slave girl, who has magical powers beyond human comprehension, finds her way to Freeport, and the tides of war begin to change. Book 1 in The Legends of Turmak series by Jacob L. Grant and Mark T. Russell.
Packer Throme longs to bring prosperity back to his decaying fishing village by discovering the trade secrets of a notorious pirate who hunts the legendary Firefish and sells the rare meat.
Despite the baron’s noble talk and pretended peace, Lionell lures Tahn into a trap that will secure his own hold on the House of Trent. Can Tahn free his true love? Or will his dream be forever lost?
The siege of Lansing has been broken, but the real battle against the invading lizard species now begins.
Charles Hack’s Into the Darkness summons a close-range science fiction story, focusing on the personal challenges of space warfare among alien cultures with a steady pace and serious tone.
Three years ago, a psychopathic killer possessed by the “thirteenth” demon destroyed Jonathan Steel’s life. Now he searches the countryside for the hideous creature.
The release of the virus will usher in a new era of power where countries are left without defense. Where a single person–or millions–could be killed with perfect accuracy and zero collateral damage. Where your own DNA works against you. Thriller/science fiction for adult readers.
Imagine living in a fantasy world without magic, a world that knows nothing of sorcery nor of a wizard’s quick solutions — a world where one never encounters talking beasts, invincible swords, or glowing rings. Epic fantasy by Richard C. Leonard and Charity R. Silkebakken.
Still staggering under Paragor’s relentless attacks, Alleble’s remaining allies flee from the four corners of The Realm to safety within the Kingdom’s walls.
For centuries, the legend of Robin Hood and his band of thieves has captivated the imagination. Now the familiar tale takes on new life, fresh meaning, and an unexpected setting.
Captain John Wells and his NASA colleagues undertake an aggressive mission to the Red Planet, hoping to discover not only whether there is life on Mars but whether it is advanced and imperialistic.
Grant Borrows has been Shifted—in the silence between heartbeats, his whole life fundamentally altered. There’s another man in the world wearing his face and living his life. What’s more, the man staring back from his mirror is a stranger.