Emlyn’s life is upended when she is pulled through a portal into the fantasyland of her childhood imaginings—a magical library holding the storyworlds of every story ever published.
In this cheekily meta look at young adult fiction, Lindsay A. Franklin sincerely tackles themes of grief and insecurity while providing laugh-out-loud moments.
A phoenix cursed to be human and a skeptical human cop join forces to stop a mythical threat from starting a war between man and mythic.
Alexandra Gilchrist breathes new life into the buddy cop genre with Baptism by Fire, resolving natural themes of biblical faith with a supernatural story.
With battles upon their border, and rumors of war growing louder on every front, Lady Tiliani Forelli’s decision could secure her kingdom’s peace… or bring about its destruction.
Although its portrait of medieval Italy is not wholly convincing, Lisa T. Bergren’s time-travel romance Estuary will sweep away many readers with its romance and excitement.
Jacob didn’t ask to fall in love with a mermaid, but when he seeks treatment for his “hallucination,” a very real mermaid is forced to face the human world.
Cult escapee Wynter Roth finds herself face-to-face with the apocalypse her former cult taught her to fear all her life.
Tosca Lee mixes chilling, cracking suspense with thoughtful character growth, as readers follow Wynter’s frightening present while also recalling her perma-frosted past.
Diondray Azur never questioned his regular life. But everything changes when he learns that the true history of his family and his world isn’t what he was taught.
Ken Aoki’s world is shattered with the loss of his mother. All that is left is two strange objects she willed to him. If the doomsayers all over the media are right, and everything is soon to end, then at least the apocalypse will end his pain.
When Chris Buckley first encountered the mysteries of creepy Solitary, North Carolina, he had little idea how far he would fall into the town’s shadows.
Why again did Robin Laughlin (a.k.a. Failstate) think being a superhero on a reality show would be a good idea? Especially when his brother is winning?
“It’s only a puppet. It’s only a puppet.” Perhaps blessing the puppet wasn’t such a good idea. Yet, the more Chelsea Grant tries to reverse this seemingly harmless spell, the more vampiric her college project becomes. Contemporary horror for adult readers.
Because of her cancer, Anna Chadwick wouldn’t live long enough to carry her twin infants to term. But when an electrical entity arrives to take the place of her stillborn, some would reflect that prayers aren’t always answered the way we’d expect them to be. Fantasy horror for teen readers and older.
Former elite soldier Nolan Gray decides to defend the helpless, tear down the wicked, and wage a one-man war on the heart of man, and he won’t stop until the world is the way it should be.
Angry, arrogant, and armed to the teeth, Eli Tishbi is ready for his next assignment. He may not look like a divine messenger, but his god is sending him to settle a score with the king of Ephraim. Biblical/alternate-historical urban contemporary fiction for young-adult readers and older.
News reporter Rebekah Berman is plunged into deadly intrigue with a PR firm, a secret project, and an unlikely partnership during a nuclear strike in the Middle East. Political/supernatural thriller by Paul Wagner.
When every Christian simultaneously receives a message that Christ will return sometime in the coming week, the world is thrown into stark panic. And two military veterans don’t know that they and their entire church have been targeted for satanic annihilation. By John Robinson.
Clay drifts from his drab apartment to his equally lusterless editing job—until the night Lucian finds him and everything changes with the simple words, “I’m going to tell you my story.”
Hutch is a newspaper columnist, single dad … and last defense against a lunatic’s high-tech killing machine. Book 2 of the John Hutchinson series, thriller/contemporary science fiction for adult readers.
A beast is loose somewhere north of the Arctic Circle and it’s already charged through a secret research facility, wiping out the elite military squad that had been guarding it.
Deep in the Northwest Territories, four vacationing friends discover that another group has targeted the secluded hamlet of Fiddler Falls for a worse purpose: to field-test the ultimate weapon.
Candace MacHugh’s father promised to contact her from the “other side” if he could … but it’s been eleven long years. But one evening from the shadows she hears a familiar voice.
The world changed after that terrible day when the sky burned. But an anonymous but powerful hero emerges from the wreckage. He is Grant Borrows, one a chosen few who walk the earth with extraordinary powers.
The release of the virus will usher in a new era of power where countries are left without defense. Where a single person–or millions–could be killed with perfect accuracy and zero collateral damage. Where your own DNA works against you. Thriller/science fiction for adult readers.
Grant Borrows has been Shifted—in the silence between heartbeats, his whole life fundamentally altered. There’s another man in the world wearing his face and living his life. What’s more, the man staring back from his mirror is a stranger.
When a skeleton mysteriously disappears from his basement, Thorn is faced with an ancient mystery-one that leads to an even more ancient foe: the same sorcerer who fought Moses!
This supernatural thriller tells the incredible story of a young Marine and his sister who discover information connecting the U.S. Government with UFOs. By Thomas and Nita Horn.
When people around him start dying, Clay Ryker discovers a terrible gift: he can foresee the timing of a person’s death—his or her expiration date.
For the last eight years, Glee Granger has centered her life around Sema, a gorilla – they live together, play together, eat together, and “talk” together. One event overturns everything Glee thought she knew about humans and animals. Contemporary science fiction for adult readers.
While Time Lottery spokesman Alexander MacMillan manages the increasingly dangerous paparazzi on the outside, three time-traveling lottery contestants face agonizing decisions about their futures. Book 2 in the Time Lottery series, science fiction for adult readers.
When an ancient evil rouses, each member of the Addison family becomes enmeshed in a terrifying supernatural battle–one with global consequences. Contemporary/paranormal for adult readers.
History revolves around the life of a peasant born in the Middle East more than 2000 years ago. But what if that never happened … until now? Special Agent Alex Hunter’s efforts bring him to the brink of the most important discovery of his life. Biblical / alternate history thriller for teen readers.