Discover 1,427 listed novel titles
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of the best Christian-made fantastical fiction.
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Seth’s determination to find the Chosen One and break the curse takes him on a dangerous adventure where he must avoid attacks from ferocious beasts and the invisible dragon.
A secret team discovers that the rest of the universe is full of diverse and exotic life, and why all of that life has been completely disconnected from the human race.
As Lucifer rules the nations, two estranged brothers — a disillusioned, hedonistic Satanist, and a ruthless Christian assassin — find their paths converge.
When every Christian simultaneously receives a message that Christ will return sometime in the coming week, the world is thrown into stark panic. And two military veterans don’t know that they and their entire church have been targeted for satanic annihilation. By John Robinson.
Myth and legend shroud her in mystery. Now hear her story. From paradise to exile, from immortality to the death of Adam, experience the dawn of mankind through the eyes of Eve, the woman first known … as Havah. Biblical fantasy for adult readers.
A UN peacekeeping force occupies temple mount and Israel’s boundaries. Solomon’s temple will be rebuilt in the Northern quadrant. The Ark of the Covenant is discovered. Now the Son of Perdition comes forth to rule.
Satan and his minions have declared war on the most beautiful planet in the universe his purpose is to depose Michael the archangel and become second only to God in command of all creation. Book 2 in the Tears of Heaven series, Biblical/supernatural fantasy for adult readers.
Soon the universe itself will be rocked by war between three angelic brothers for the greatest prize in the universe. It will be a war for the race of man.
In Heaven, one man’s troubling dreams lead him to realize that the love of his earth life has been condemned to Satan’s realm. Now Chris Davis endeavors to pull off the ultimate prison break. Book 1 in the Tears of Heaven series, Biblical/supernatural fantasy for adult readers.
Dr. Jack Brennan is led on a series of thrilling adventures through the fabric of time and the history of civilization as he finds himself in the middle of a sinister alien conspiracy. Sequel to The Fallen, both by Robert Don Hughes.
A sinister technocratic organization is gaining power throughout Europe, and it is up to Dr. Elwin Ransom and his friends to squelch this threat by applying age-old wisdom to a new universe dominated by science.
Pitted against the most destructive of human weaknesses, temptation, Dr. Elwin Ransom must battle evil on a new planet — Perelandra. The outcome of his struggle will determine the fate of this planet.