Earthbow, Volume 2
Can teen Outworlder Xander and his allies overcome the evil unleashed by the evil Cenoc?
Then suddenly the moment was upon them. Ahead, Cenoc passed them by slowly, walking left to right through the trees toward the waiting protectors. Xander hastened to nock his arrow to the Earthbow. His hands were trembling, as he’d feared. He listened for the words of the enchantment.
Where to shoot? They say he would know when the time came, that the Earthbow would tell him. Xander thought he caught a discordant hum stealthily touching his ears. He winced, shutting it out, straining for that all-important bit of knowledge, listening for the awaited words from the dense trees to their right. The bow made the same sound again, or were his nerves manufacturing it? His fingers ached from the strain of holding the arrow’s feathered tip to the shining string.
Part 2 of book 2 of the Narenta Tumults series.
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