The story of Christ like you’ve never heard it before, told through the eyes of the two thieves on the cross and the spiritual warfare hidden from mortal men.
Seventeen-year-old Aidan can see demons, smell emotions, and feel the past in his skin, but can he save his little sister from his mother’s deal with a demon?
Sixteen-year-old Hamilton Dinger finds himself reluctantly allied with a changeling dragon and a beautiful warrior as they seek to protect Apollo City.
Haunted by images of the fire and desperate to know the truth about her destiny, April wrestles with inner demons that threaten to cut her off from those she loves most.
Plagued with premonitions of disaster, Bobby Roland fights to save others’ lives. What Bobby doesn’t foresee is that rescuing a stranger from death will place him in the line of fire.
In the days of Samuel the Seer, the Philistines are at the climax of a long war with Israel over the land of Canaan. There are still giants in Philistia left from Joshua’s search and destroy mission of holy war generations earlier.
In a world where the Oneness exists, nothing looks the same. Dead men walk. Demons prowl the air. Old friends peel back their mundane masks and prove as supernatural as angels.
After the events in Attack, the Oneness returned home in triumph — all except Reese and Tyler, who remain on the road with the subversive cult leader called Jacob.
After four hundred years of slavery in Egypt, Israel has escaped into the desert and is prepared to enter the land of Canaan that God had promised her. There’s only one problem: It’s crawling with giants.
Brielle can’t help but see the Celestial. Even without the halo, the invisible realm is everywhere she looks. It’s impossibly beautiful—and terrifying.
Battling the hive–a network of humans and demons–nearly killed them all. Now Richard and Mary take the Oneness on the offensive: picking out their targets, the cell goes after the humans at the center of the hive one by one.
Tired of sitting on the defensive, Chris and Tyler go after the hive–the dark entity created when humans and demons join forces. When they disappear, Reese and the others must continue the hunt.
With his family in danger and his soul in peril, Jamie Burroughs is forced to reevaluate the kind of man he truly is as he struggles to escape The Maze before it’s too late. Book 1 of the The Lost Labyrinth series, spiritual-warfare fantasy for young-adult readers.
Brielle has begun to see the world as it really is, a place where angels intermingle with humans. But the life she’s pieced together begins to crumble.
Greensboro has fallen. For ex-reverend Jeff Weldon and those under his care, it is a losing battle, but the tale turns with the return of his brother Dras.
As Lucifer rules the nations, two estranged brothers — a disillusioned, hedonistic Satanist, and a ruthless Christian assassin — find their paths converge.
Ian Richardson fears he has lost his brother forever in a car wreck, but after four minutes, paramedics revive Thomas. His story is too horrifying to imagine: he visited hell … and something has followed to take him back.
When Dr. Tom Greenbaum successfully discovers the secret to time travel, he knows the time, place and event he will witness: the death and failed resurrection of Jesus Christ.
In the faraway kingdom of Madaren, Elon Amaeloriey, a young orphan girl, lived a life of pain and struggle. But the lonely life she knew changed forever the day she stumbled upon a gang unlike any other.
Twenty-two and unemployed, Dras Weldon is content to hide in the shadow of spiritual adolescence. But when a demonic stranger arrives, Dras is drawn into a battle that forces him to choose which side he is on. Book 1 of the The Coming Evil Trilogy series.
Clay drifts from his drab apartment to his equally lusterless editing job—until the night Lucian finds him and everything changes with the simple words, “I’m going to tell you my story.”
Dozens of elves, hundreds of goblins, legions of demons — all converging on the colourless world ruled by the goblin king. Can Robby and Chris discover the goblin king’s name and rescue Stephen before time runs out? Young-adult fantasy by Anne Hamilton.
A UN peacekeeping force occupies temple mount and Israel’s boundaries. Solomon’s temple will be rebuilt in the Northern quadrant. The Ark of the Covenant is discovered. Now the Son of Perdition comes forth to rule.
In the year 1001, Erling Skjalgsson, carries on his dream of a Christian Norway that preserves its traditional freedoms. But his and others’ westward voyage will be longer and more dangerous than they ever imagined. Historical fantasy by Lars Walker.
Soon the universe itself will be rocked by war between three angelic brothers for the greatest prize in the universe. It will be a war for the race of man.
Three years ago, a psychopathic killer possessed by the “thirteenth” demon destroyed Jonathan Steel’s life. Now he searches the countryside for the hideous creature.
This supernatural thriller tells the incredible story of a young Marine and his sister who discover information connecting the U.S. Government with UFOs. By Thomas and Nita Horn.
Dr. Maggie Taylor must learn how her father’s untimely death is linked to the deaths of nearly two dozen other scientists and the truth behind a doomsday weapon known only as the BioStrain chip.
Panic fills the streets of London on a night in 1756 when the earth suddenly lurches forward and starts spinning out of control. Eleven days and nights flash through the sky, finally leaving the city in total darkness. Is the end of the world at hand? Fantasy by G.P. Taylor.
As angelic forces do battle behind the veil, it’s clear that the choice Doug and Sherry make … and how they confront the painful issues in their marriage.
Harvard University is a centuries-old battleground in the struggle between good and evil, and one student has no idea she’s about to be thrust onto the front lines.
It’s the midpoint of the seven-year Tribulation. A renowned man is dead, and the world mourns. In heaven, the battle of the ages continues to rage until it spills to earth and hell breaks loose.
The Tribulation Force hurtles toward the four murders foretold in scripture. Rayford Steele plots his own involvement in the assassination of the Antichrist. Book 6 in the Left Behind end-times thriller series, by Time LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins.
As the quiet community of Antioch escalates in its religious fervor, Travis Jordan must questions his faith and the increasing extremism and zealotry overtaking the town.
Twenty-five years after its summer 1999 publication, Frank Peretti’s The Visitation has aged beautifully, pitting one burned-out pastor versus church culture, heretical cults, and the quiet power of the true Christ.
Dr. Jack Brennan is led on a series of thrilling adventures through the fabric of time and the history of civilization as he finds himself in the middle of a sinister alien conspiracy. Sequel to The Fallen, both by Robert Don Hughes.
The fifth Trumpet Judgment—a plague of scorpion-like locusts led by Apollyon—is so horrifying that men try to kill themselves but are not allowed to die.
Although it didn’t fit with his theology, Dr. Jack Brenner was convinced he’d been abducted by aliens — at first. But doubts set in. Who then — or what — were they? Science fiction by Robert Don Hughes.
Across a vast panorama of heart-stopping action, Sally Roe’s journey is a penetrating portrayal of our times, a reflection of our wanderings, and a vivid reminder of the redemptive power of the Cross.
A skeptical reporter and a prayerful pastor are caught up in a hideous New Age plot to enslave the townspeople of Ashton.
This Present Darkness’s 1986 publication may have seemed insignificant at the time, but Frank E. Peretti’s first supernatural thriller shook the foundations of Christian fiction.
Screwtape is an experienced devil. His nephew Wormwood is just beginning his demonic career and has been assigned to secure the damnation of a young man who has just become a Christian.