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The Muse

Stan Marino needs a muse. He’s written himself into a corner … again. A shot of inspiration is all he needs to finish his story … where is he going to find it? What Stan doesn’t know: Inspiration has found him. And it’s about to take over his life. Contemporary fantasy for teen readers and older.
· November 2009 · for ,

cover2_themuseWhat if inspiration could kill?

Stan Marino needs a muse. He’s written himself into a corner … again. A shot of inspiration is all he needs to finish his story … where is he going to find it?

What Stan doesn’t know: Inspiration has found him. And it’s about to take over his life. Ripped from reality, he must lead a band of lost souls in a life-or-death battle with a merciless enemy.

Stan has found his muse, but will he survive it?

Contemporary fantasy for teen readers and older.

  1. Can we please update the cover to the new version? It is found here:
    Thanks 🙂

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