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and 329 reviews
of the best Christian-made fantastical fiction.
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War ravages Leira and the Song has fallen silent. Freed from the hold of a slave ship, Birdie, the young Songkeeper, and Ky, a street-wise thief, emerge to a world at war.
Every generation has a Songkeeper â one chosen to keep the memory of the Song alive. And in every generation, there are those who seek to destroy the chosen one.
Gillian Bronte Adams draws us into a classic medieval fantasy setting populated with archetypes that somehow feel fresh and vigorous.
Cult escapee Wynter Roth finds herself face-to-face with the apocalypse her former cult taught her to fear all her life.
Tosca Lee mixes chilling, cracking suspense with thoughtful character growth, as readers follow Wynterâs frightening present while also recalling her perma-frosted past.
Acting as religious and cultic spirit guides, aliens steadily lead humanity to the brink of global warâhindered only by the prayer of a street urchin from Mumbai.
“Frohic again. Listen, I got home to find squatters living in my family’s hovel and no clue as to where father, mother, and the rest of the family went.”
Lazarus and his secret organization SOAR must take on demonic enemies and find a secret Jesus left behind before it’s too late.
In Richard Spillmanâs The Awakened, readers find a world in which Lazarus, the man Jesus raised from the dead as recorded in Johnâs gospel, is still alive.
To free her people from slavery, Rai must decide if she is a warrior or historian in this desert fantasy retelling of the story of Moses.
With well-realized characterization, the overall narrative flies like a thematic arrow toward the real-life account of God freeing his people from Egypt.