The Blood-Dimmed Tide by Jeri Massi

The Blood-Dimmed Tide

Scruggs, Penny, Jack, and Jean join in the fight to defeat the unearthly power that is destroying the innocent and the vulnerable.
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Black Earth: End of the Innocence by David N. Alderman (2023)

Black Earth: End Of The Innocence

The night the stars fell was only the beginning of the end.
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The Deliverer, Jason William Karpf

The Deliverer

Targeted by a tycoon, hunted by bandit armies, racing pillars of fire—will The Deliverer survive the broken land to save the woman he loves?
Jason William Karpf’s post-apocalyptic novel The Deliverer transports a grim yet hopeful story, leading to satisfying conclusions for his characters.
The Withering, P. S. Patton

The Withering

The moon will soon collide with the surface of Noloro, and three orphaned teens have nothing left in the world but each other.
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Invading Hell, Bryan Davis

Invading Hell

The aliens are conquered, but the sinister force behind them remains to be defeated.
Heaven Came Down, Bryan Davis

Heaven Came Down

The heavenly visitors claimed to be angels, but they may be something far more sinister.
The Line Between, Tosca Lee

The Line Between

Cult escapee Wynter Roth finds herself face-to-face with the apocalypse her former cult taught her to fear all her life.
Tosca Lee mixes chilling, cracking suspense with thoughtful character growth, as readers follow Wynter’s frightening present while also recalling her perma-frosted past.
Lorehaven review, spring 2019
Judgment: Wrath of the Lamb

Judgment: Wrath of the Lamb

Demons are released from the Abyss. The gods of the nations prepare for battle. The long-awaited climax is here: Armageddon.
Resistant: Revolt of the Jews, Brian Godawa

Resistant: Revolt of the Jews

In A.D. 67, Nero’s Roman armies plunder the land of Israel, led by General Vespasian and his son Titus, whose ruthless strategy threatens his affair with Jewish princess Berenice.
Remnant: Rescue of the Elect, Brian Godawa

Remnant: Rescue of the Elect

Israel’s world is ending as Nero’s Roman armies descend upon Jerusalem. Will Christians escape the city before the demons of hell are unleashed?
Contagion, Marcy G. Dyer


Weaponized rabies and power-hungry politicians make for a deadly combination. Zombies roam the earth. Three families stand to lose everything.
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The Null Prophecy, Michael Guillen

The Null Prophecy

Space weather scientists in Northeast Canada have spotted holes opening in Earth’s magnetosphere.

Tyrant: Rise of the Beast

In the first century, a Roman, a Jew and a Christian uncover a secret letter of resistance predicting the world’s end: the Revelation of the apostle John.
Skipjack and the Baleful Banshee, Geoffrey Keith Werner

Skipjack and the Baleful Banshee

Pilot-Captain Jack Anders, his patrol ship crew, and med-rescue team stumble into a clandestine war between galactic governments.
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Sparrow, Mandy Fender


As an army rises, so does one girl’s faith … and it will change everything.

Black Earth: The Broken Daisy

“From dust you came, to ash you go.” These terrifying words are found spray-painted on an office wall in Tucson, Arizona. It is a message left by Legion, an otherworldly entity that traveled to Earth in the fallen vessels. Now […]
Hidden Thrones, Russ Scalzo

Hidden Thrones

Jack Bennett can see evil. His unusual gift catapults him into a spiritual world that threatens not only his life but the human race.
Defier by Mandy Fender


When her faith makes her a target, Lennox Winters must leave everything she knows behind. With a new Regime taking over America and imprisoning Christians, she must decide what is worth fighting for.
Sentinel, Jamie Foley


When a meteor storm knocks out the power grid, the supernaturally gifted become pawns in humanity’s struggle for survival.

The Amazing Adventures Of Toby The Trilby

Created by six scientists who accidentally gave him cat ears (and a tail), 12-year-old Toby decides to leave the safety of his cavern world to seek answers. Book 1 of the Toby the Trilby series for all ages.
Wolf Time by Lars Walker

Wolf Time

Something’s gusting into Epsom, Minnesota. A Norwegian poet greets it with triumph. But Professor Carl Martell worries—because Martell cannot tell a lie, but he knows one when he hears it.

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