Discover 1,390 listed novel titles
and 331 reviews
of the best Christian-made fantastical fiction.
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all results in Christian-made science fiction novels
After a risky physics experiment transports the island University of Halcyon to a new world, engineer Dave Schuster and his fellow students struggle to survive in this alien, hostile environment.
Valkerie Jansen is tough, beautiful, and soon to be the most envied woman on earth. Every man on the planet is in love with her—and she’s just discovered life on Mars.
Ancient Gannah was well on the way to taking over the whole galaxy, until the people of Karkar engineered a virus that stopped them in their tracks. Now, eight centuries later, the plague has struck again.
Astronaut Brett Denton befriends the ship’s onboard computer Jay. But soon after Jay develops self-awareness and belief in God, one of them must make the ultimate sacrifice.
The year is 2217 and a fleet of stellar cruisers led by Commander Frank Yamane are about to come face to face with humanity’s greatest threat—the Deravan armada.
Master of disguise Charles Graves goes undercover to infiltrate one of the last Christian cells in the South. But sometimes he who persecutes the church is destined to serve her.
Hutch is a newspaper columnist, single dad … and last defense against a lunatic’s high-tech killing machine. Book 2 of the John Hutchinson series, thriller/contemporary science fiction for adult readers.
A young woman travels to the depths of the galaxy to open a tyrannical planet, but everything changes when she abducts a young resistor facing execution.
After the evil Dominion is defeated, Commander Merral D’Avanos must rescue thirty hostages. But first, he and his crew must survive a perilous trip through Below Space.
Deep in the Northwest Territories, four vacationing friends discover that another group has targeted the secluded hamlet of Fiddler Falls for a worse purpose: to field-test the ultimate weapon.
Suspended seventy miles above Earth, Tuck has no choice but to place his life in God’s hands—a God he has found it hard to trust since a deadly tragedy in space over a year before.
Rear Admiral John Wells didn’t hesitate to lead a third NASA team to Mars, but he never dreamed that one day they’d look out their laboratory module into the lights of a slow-moving vehicle not their own.
Captain John Wells and his NASA colleagues undertake an aggressive mission to the Red Planet, hoping to discover not only whether there is life on Mars but whether it is advanced and imperialistic.
David Decker nearly got killed during his stay on Arana, and that was a friendly planet. Now he must go to three hostile worlds that are sworn enemies to everything he holds dear.
Driven by his Christian compassion, David Decker has just rescued a marooned space alien, but the alien’s mere existence threatens to shatter David’s worldview.
Dr. Maggie Taylor must learn how her father’s untimely death is linked to the deaths of nearly two dozen other scientists and the truth behind a doomsday weapon known only as the BioStrain chip.
Aidan Qqayle, a follower of the Creed, opposes Litah for putting technology in God’s place. But when Aidan receives his true calling, he is forced to re-evaluate his beliefs.
Could there be an awful connection between Christians and the fatal research being conducted? And if so, why would the head of SynTech Labs—Nick’s boss—want to get rid of Christians?
In an alternate-historical February 1975, Commander Gary Lucas and Lunar Module pilot Charlie Shepherd set out to explore a vast, mysterious depression at the lunar south pole.
At first Marcus Stiller thought his telescope was playing tricks on him. It wasn’t. A dark red spot has appeared on the lunar surface—a spot no one can explain. And it’s growing.
When Tyce’s best friend, Director Rawling McTigre, and three other scientists are buried alive on Mars, Tyce doesn’t think things can get any worse. But he is sorely mistaken.
As Tyce approaches the strange black boxes on the Martian landscape, he makes a startling discovery: one that could change life for everyone in the universe.
While playing a virtual reality game, Rivka Meyers, an American Messianic Jew visiting Israel for an archaeological dig, becomes trapped in ancient Jerusalem.
What rules apply when the killer isn’t human? When people begin dying in bizarre accidents, it is once again up to Christian programmer Ethan Hamilton to save users from high-tech destruction. Book 2 of the Ethan Hamilton Technothrillers Trilogy series by Jefferson Scott.
Orion Treet determines to return to Dome after his brief respite among the peaceable, graceful Fieri. No one but Orion and a handful of rebels seriously believes that Dome will carry out its threat to annihilate Fierra. Book 2 in the Empyrion series, science fiction for adult readers.
Orion Treet, an itinerant and often-unemployed writer, is abducted at gunpoint. Then he is offered eight million dollars and a mission: to observe and chronicle the growth of a new extraterrestrial colony: Empyrion. Book 1 in the Empyrion series, science fiction for adult readers.
Sleep scientist Dr. Spence Reston’s experiments give him dreams in his waking hours. Thus begins a battle for the future of the universe, in which the fate of humankind hangs on the fragile sanity of one man.
Dr. Elwin Ransom is abducted by a megalomaniacal physicist and his accomplice and taken via spaceship to the red planet of Malacandra. There he eludes his captors, risking his life and his chances of returning to Earth.