Discover 1,390 listed novel titles
and 331 reviews
of the best Christian-made fantastical fiction.
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all results in Christian-made science fiction novels
With their best captain gone, Talos steps up to lead the Rebellion’s fighters. First objective: take out the Labyrinth. Only problem? No one can find its key.
Arielle M. Bailey’s The Icarus Aftermath spins a golden yarn of vivid characters and gripping emotion, set in a world ripe for exploration.
Trainee vet Eva is junior officer on a pre-colonization mission to the Andromeda galaxy when the ship drops out of the wormhole two lightyears from New Eden—and she must take charge.
A fast-past story of invading darkness. The first in a series of light versus darkness; and the connection with the past to help fight for the future. When the Bathshe invades, the Republic and the Federation must come together to […]
In a universe where music can manipulate nature, ancient Overlords plot to recover powerful artifacts and wage war against the followers of the Great Composer!
Prelude and Abduction: in A Minor strikes up a distinctive melody in the key of Star Wars by providing music-based powers to alien races in conflict.
Cult escapee Wynter Roth finds herself face-to-face with the apocalypse her former cult taught her to fear all her life.
Tosca Lee mixes chilling, cracking suspense with thoughtful character growth, as readers follow Wynter’s frightening present while also recalling her perma-frosted past.
Acting as religious and cultic spirit guides, aliens steadily lead humanity to the brink of global war—hindered only by the prayer of a street urchin from Mumbai.
“Frohic again. Listen, I got home to find squatters living in my family’s hovel and no clue as to where father, mother, and the rest of the family went.”