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of the best Christian-made fantastical fiction.
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In a grim fantasy world where the Father of Light seems long lost, can a modern day boy help a wizard, a cleric, knights and peasants have faith again?
Nick Newton is an ordinary boy from a family of extraordinary geniuses, but that doesn’t stop him from making his own discoveries—whether they be unusual inventions or unexpected friendships.
Children and grown-ups alike will be charmed by this gentle, creative tale.
When 12-year-old Rejoice discovers aliens in the ocean and then the doom that is aimed at her planet, she needs to help her people find a way to survive.
She swore never to shed blood in violence, no matter how grave the danger. But when a faery war threatens her home, the price of peace may be higher than Rhosmari can pay.
Raised in an alien world by adoptive parents, Meg Mitchell spends her time fighting Centaurs and training as an Andai warrior. But when Meg uncovers her birth father’s journal, she discovers a cousin she didn’t know existed.
In the spell-powered city of Tarreton, twelve-year-old Isaveth is poor, but she’s also brave, loyal, and zealous in the pursuit of justice—which is lucky, because her father has just been wrongfully arrested for murder.
Nirvana Page wanted to see the world. Then a mysterious force crashes their plane, separating Nirvana from her dad, and stranding her in a strange and unfamiliar land.
Stolen! Cubs of the bear-like tuon people have been abducted while their parents were worshiping at the temple of Yah Elyon. Gratta, one of the tuon chiefs, must ensure the cubs’ safe return home.
Prince Arpien intends to gain a throne and the sleeping beauty’s heart with a single kiss. But kissing the princess is only the beginning of a series of unforeseen obstacles: man-eating bugs, deadly spindles, talking lapdogs, and fiery pickles.
Sixteen-year-old Hamilton Dinger finds himself reluctantly allied with a changeling dragon and a beautiful warrior as they seek to protect Apollo City.
Trinka lives in a world called Ellipsis where schools prize their students’ abilities to predict the future, until she flunks out of her fantastical school.
A boy must reclaim the magic kingdom he was banished from before his subjects kill him, his only friend a sarcastic dragon who knows more than he’s saying.
Fifteen-year-old Posy finds herself in a kingdom ruled by a king and queen who have attempted to usurp the role that belongs only to their story’s Author.
In a world where the Oneness exists, nothing looks the same. Dead men walk. Demons prowl the air. Old friends peel back their mundane masks and prove as supernatural as angels.
Marcus MacMillan is driven to pursue a crazy vision concerning PathOne — the route that is detailed in The Book Beyond Time, a mysterious ancient volume.
Ian must unravel the secrets of the mountain and discern whom his real enemy is, the enemy both without and within. Book 3 of the Ian’s Realm Saga series, fantasy for middle-grade readers and older.
Ian returns to the Realm to fight against the tyranny that has befallen his friends. But the Realm is a different place, and Ian has a hard time proving his allegiance when trouble follows him through the portal. Book 2 of the Ian’s Realm Saga series, fantasy for middle-grade readers and older.
The hottest new thing on the street is a virtual reality experience that makes crack cocaine look like cotton candy. Only one side effect: it’s lethal.
Three virtual superheroes are all that stand in the way of a virtual army intent on invading Earth. But it may take more than super powers to win the war.
Logan Langly went in to get his Mark, but he backed out at the last minute. Now he’s on the run from government agents who will stop at nothing to capture him.
Ancient cities, treacherous villains, high-tech gadgets, a race to find a mysterious planet and stop the Ubel renegades from misusing its long-lost secrets.
Cyrus and Antigone Smith must swear an oath to an order of explorers who preserve the world’s secrets — keepers of powerful relics from lost civilizations, and jailers to unkillable criminals. Book 1 of the Ashtown Burials series, fantasy for middle-grade readers.
A high stakes hunt After Oliver, Tiffany, Mason, and Austin’s parents are kidnapped, it is up to the Wikk siblings to discover where their parents were going and what they were up to. The mysterious group who took the Wikk’s […]
Hunter Brown’s memory is gone. With no knowledge of his last visit to Solandria, he must fight to piece together the growing puzzle of his past under the constant surveillance of an intimidating detective.
Can Sir Quinlan reunite the Valor Knights in time to save the people from the Dark Knight’s evil plot to rule the Kingdom of Arrethtrae, or will the Valor Knights lose the most important battle of all?
When decorated tournament knight Sir Rowan is attacked and left for dead, his world collapses. Then after Rowan heals, his beloved land of Cameria has fallen victim to the tyranny of the Dark Knight.
Now in the strange realm of Allyra, in a creature-infested forest, the Seven young lords begin a rigorous training program that makes boot camp look like Disneyland.
Determined, smart and a master of both the sword and the bow, Lady Carliss has proven herself as a veteran Knight of the Prince. But can she save the kingdom before it’s too late?
The Seven succeeding Elven Lords of Allyra were thought dead, until tremors from a distant world known as Earth revealed that Elven blood may live among its peoples.
Before the events of DragonSpell, on a different continent and a different time, a young emerlindian’s desperate decision threatens to disrupt the foundation of the world.
Sir Dalton, a knight in training, seems to have everything going for him. But something is amiss at the training camp. The Shadow Warrior has plans of his own. Book 3 of The Knights of Arrethtrae series by Chuck Black.
When Eirwyn is kidnapped by a ruthless tribe to serve as a sacrifice, Sir Bentley battles a vicious mountain creature to save her life. But soon he’s faced with an even bigger challenge.
Cat must choose whether to return to the ways of his notorious father and join the evil Merchant, or defy the Merchant and risk his life to save his friends.
When Kale and Bardon set aside their daily responsibilities to join meech dragons Regidor and Gilda on a quest to find a hidden meech colony, they encounter sinister forces. Their world is under attack by a secret enemy.
The Igibys hold the secret to the lost legend and jewels of good King Wingfeather of the Shining Isle of Anniera.
With mysterious maps, strange saviors, and monstrous menaces like toothy cows and horned hounds, On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness sets course for adventure.
Paladin is dying, and Bardon and Kale–now married–must accept fateful assignments if their land is to survive. Will their efforts turn the tide against their adversaries?