An ordinary high school senior in Nazareth, Pennsylvania, is pursued by ruthless zealots and secret government agents after he learns he may be the clone of Jesus Christ.
Father Curtis, priest of the Order of the Eternal, seeks solace in his secluded parish, sheltered from the oppressive regime. But then, unjustly branded a heretic, he must flee for his life.
The persecution of Christians in Canada intensifies, but the secret of Jesse’s newfound belief in Christ isn’t the only secret he and Meryn must navigate.
When seventeen-year-old Sahara O’Saughnessy discovers a rift into the realm of lore, the most haunting stories she’s been telling her friends come to life.
Bookstore owner Meryn O’Reilly and Army Captain Jesse Christensen are on opposite sides of a battle. After a series of terrorist attacks in 2053, martial law has been declared in Canada.
A secret team discovers that the rest of the universe is full of diverse and exotic life, and why all of that life has been completely disconnected from the human race.
As her bond grows stronger, Caitrin must prove her blood magic isn’t dangerous or suffer the consequences of the truth being discovered.
A Bond of Briars shows a beautiful love story, blending the biblical Ruth narrative with prophecy and hopes of redemption from spiritual warfare that binds the soul.
After a young knyad is wrongly linked to insurgent activity, Oklas must find a way to smuggle her out of the city while hiding his involvement from the authorities.
One teen is thrown into a world of ancient secrets when he discovers a supernatural artifact, created by God, that protects a weapon of mass destruction.
When a poorly disguised superhero lands in down-on-her-luck reporter Lara’s neighborhood, insisting that he’s just a normal guy, she can’t help but smell a story.
H. L. Burke uses familiar Hallmark holiday tropes with a superhero twist to explore questions of alter egos and life purpose.
When Cara finds herself wounded and defenseless in the middle of a battle zone, she has no choice but to use the only weapon she can find: a disabled robot soldier.
Sucked into an antique mirror and replaced by an evil doppelgänger, Nora must team up with another trapped boy to escape the mirror and its dark residents.
After his rescue from guerrillas in Venezuela, Gideon finds himself with super-abilities, and he becomes a vigilante to protect his city, but he learns that being a vigilante comes with a price.
Because he hasn’t been able to stop or change the violence in his city, Radoslav feels like a failure–until he meets Dunya and realizes he can give her the ultimate gift.
With their best captain gone, Talos steps up to lead the Rebellion’s fighters. First objective: take out the Labyrinth. Only problem? No one can find its key.
Arielle M. Bailey’s The Icarus Aftermath spins a golden yarn of vivid characters and gripping emotion, set in a world ripe for exploration.
Rick Bakos straddles the boundary between sanity and madness while battling a demonic curse that has driven his family members to suicide for generations.
The good guys, the bad guys, and the wild card. It’s the ultimate game of cloak and dagger.
Jes Drew’s The Bachelor Missions follows our hero, Kristian Clark, through three separate but connected espionage adventures with plenty of romantic difficulties.
When his father mysteriously disappears, 16-year-old Daniel Byers realizes that the key to finding his dad rests in deciphering his chilling hallucinations.
Mark Taylor thinks he and his son, Evan need some quality time together. But as darkness falls, their stay becomes a terrifying fight for survival against a savage night creature straight out of the annals of cryptozoology.
Experience the final days of Pompeii in book two of the TimeDrifter Series. This harrowing historical fantasy unfolds through the eyes of the doomed city’s inhabitants, along with a trio of time traveling misfits.