A group of kids encounter an alien who, due to a transportation glitch, has landed in the small town of Ellis Grove, Indiana instead of his intended site, the Metropolitan Museum of Arts.
Silkis can be dangerous and not everyone wants them around. Farz may be ready to try a different life, but he doesn’t want the Silkis to disappear forever.
The Pilgrim’s Progress is a classic story of redemption, allegory, and theological poignancy. It’s also a story with a total lack of robots, space marines, or talking platypuses. So we fixed that.
A secret team discovers that the rest of the universe is full of diverse and exotic life, and why all of that life has been completely disconnected from the human race.
A broken young woman and a terminally ill warrior learn to discern God’s voice and realise the power of love and self-sacrifice as they race to save not only a cursed king—but the very world itself.
Vladan the merchant accompanies a mysterious young girl in her destiny to defeat an evil that threatens to destroy the world, and in so doing has to confront his own redemption.
Her peaceful village burned to ash, criminals as her only allies, and an enemy on an unchecked rampage leaves Iris with only one option—to stop them.
Journeying through an unknown land, with an unfamiliar guide, will the heirs of the Triad uncover their heritage or stir up an ancient war that will endanger them all.
The Quarrel of Sword and Bone was a death sentence for anyone who stepped into the arena with the deranged Queen, whose soul had crisped to frost in an age long since past.
“Jennifer Kropf’s debut novel A Soul as Cold as Frost creates a lyrical adventure whose winter wonderland intersects our world.”
After the legendary mermaid Thessalonike resurfaces, Reanna must be trained to use her magic—only to find herself facing down her mother’s right-hand general with her own soul on the line.
An ancient enemy has returned to Cordiae, and two young men, Pol and Stefan, must choose to face the evil or relinquish the fate of the realm to others.
Jake and Ava always carry their time travel keys. But the day they need to rescue their little cousin from a fierce and hungry dragon, their pockets are empty.
“Phyllis Wheeler’s simple prose helps early readers time-travel into longer books, sketching character growth across the chapters.”