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Tales of Elhaanai, Nicole Patrice Thomas

Tales of Elhaanai

In a land divided by greed and the desire for power, what was once remained in the shadows is grasping for a foothold over the light.
Emberhawk, Jamie Foley


The elementals have decided they’re gods, and humans are nothing but fuel for their fire.
“Jamie Foley’s worldbuilding is astounding . . . layers of plot and various twists make this a book readers won’t want to put down.”
Lorehaven review, summer 2020
Of Dragons and Doppelgangers, Chris Solaas

Of Dragons and Dopplegangers

Before he can be crowned king of a magic realm, a boy must travel around the world to retrieve the signet ring, or face a deadly war with the dragons!
A Weight of Reckoning, C. S. Wachter

A Weight of Reckoning

Though young Prince Rayne triumphed over Sigmund’s demonic evil, will he survive the demon’s plans birthed within the false cult of scroll worship?
Strayborn, E. E. Rawls


Being a Draev is tricky, as Cyrus, a girl who can manipulate metal, and Aken the last Scourgeblood, are about to find out.
“E. E. Rawls’s fantasy Strayborn offers an energetic, colorful story, with nature-bending child students and familiar school archetypes.”
Lorehaven review, fall 2020
Valor's Worth, Rebecca P. Minor

Valor’s Worth

The notorious dragon-kin may still pose a threat to elves and men, driving Lieutenant Commander Vinyanel Ecleriast on a mission to investigate.
Heartmender, V. Romas Burton


In a realm where hearts are used as currency, Adelaide Tye uses her powerful heart to save her brother from the monster who lured him away years ago.
“V. Romas Burton’s Heartmender pumps new blood into the classic good-versus-evil paradigm by way of the classic Seven Deadly Sins.”
Lorehaven review, summer 2020
Shard & Shield, Laura VanArendonk Baugh

Shard & Shield

An outcast officer in a magical war can save the life of his only friend, but only by betraying the innocents he swore to protect.
“Laura VanArendonk Baugh’s Shard & Shield will intrigue readers with its world-building and complex relationships.”
Lorehaven review, fall 2019
Heart of the Curiosity, H. L. Burke

Heart of the Curiosity

The Curiosity’s sole hope lies in a mythical power source hidden beneath the maze-like passages and trapdoors of the theater—the Heart.
“Biblical themes dazzle and heroines must heal from harm throughout the wonders of H. L. Burke’s The Heart of the Curiosity.”
The Treasure of Capric, Brandon M. Wilborn

The Treasure of Capric

In a nation under clouds of darkness, three young monks race to find their sacred treasure before their world collapses.
“With The Treasure of Capric, Brandon M. Wilborn blends Brother Cadfael with Prince Caspian to conjure a complex, lived-in world.”
Lorehaven review, fall 2019
Mouse, Kaylena Radcliff


A teenaged girl must escape the horrifying prison camp holding her captive to reclaim her stolen memory and find her lost people.
“Mouse is an intriguing adventure whose characters draw in readers, with a complex world that promises to become even more rich and vibrant as the series continues.”
Lorehaven review, winter 2019
Claimed, Nicole Adamz


In a city full of winged people, Ari and Maewyn have chosen different gods, but only one can reign.
Song of Leira, Gillian Bronte Adams

Song of Leira

With the fate of the world at stake, the Song bids her rise to battle and the Songkeeper must answer.
Songkeeper by Gillian Bronte Adams


War ravages Leira and the Song has fallen silent. Freed from the hold of a slave ship, Birdie, the young Songkeeper, and Ky, a street-wise thief, emerge to a world at war.
Orphan's Song, Gillian Bronte Adams

Orphan’s Song

Every generation has a Songkeeper – one chosen to keep the memory of the Song alive. And in every generation, there are those who seek to destroy the chosen one.
“Gillian Bronte Adams draws us into a classic medieval fantasy setting populated with archetypes that somehow feel fresh and vigorous.”
Lorehaven review, spring 2018
Sword of Decision, Anne H. Campbell

Sword of Decision

It takes a sword to sever the past from the present and set a former assassin free from the powers of darkness.
Never to Live, Just B. Jordan

Never To Live

To save him, she let the madness take her … and now it won’t let her go.
Frosted Fire, Maegan M. Simpson

Frosted Fire

Hunted by soldiers with dark enchantments on their side, Iyanka fights to find hope for herself and her people.
Door to Altharia, Martyn McGrath

Door to Altharia

In a conflict between ancient and mortal enemies, a scarred youth will emerge as a world’s brightest hope.
Fawkes, Nadine Brandes


In 17th century London, Thomas joins his father’s gunpowder plot to blow up the king of England.
“Guy Fawkes’s 1605 gunpowder plot gets a color-magical twist.”
Lorehaven review, summer 2018
The Light Arises, C. S. Wachter

The Light Arises

Rayne must face the darkness within himself, accept his calling as Light Bringer of the One, and find the golden-haired girl from his dream.
“The Light Arises will leave readers craving the next word for the next world.”
Lorehaven review, winter 2018
Dagger's Sleep, Tricia Mingerink

Dagger’s Sleep

In a land of mountains, canoes, and fairy tales, one princess races to wake the sleeping high prince in this gender-swapped Sleeping Beauty retelling.
The Story Peddler, Lindsay A. Franklin

The Story Peddler

In a world where art is magic, one storyteller gets more than she bargained for when her stories spiral out of control and accuse the king of treason.
“This story spins a perfect array of delightful characters living with complex magical abilities in a truly unique world.”
Lorehaven review, spring 2019
The Caves of Fire, K. Berklund-Page

The Caves of Fire

A spy, a nerd and a bully must find a way to destroy an ancient monster before it kills them or they kill each other.
“Can a slave say no? Fee and Daniel struggle with decisions as fully formed characters.”
Lorehaven review, summer 2019
The Rejected Princess, Katie Clark

The Rejected Princess

If Roanna is to save herself and her future, she must stall her marriage and squelch the growing rebellion—all while discovering how deeply her power runs.
“With The Rejected Princess, Katie Clark has fashioned a cozy political thriller braided with thoughtful ambiguity and adorned with romance.”
Lorehaven review, winter 2018
Of Pretty Plots and Princesses, Chris Solaas

Of Pretty Plots and Princesses

Gang activity is threatening to tear apart the sleepy town of Arbortown, while Kyne faces an invading army and a duel to the death!
The Lightningfall, Steve Rzasa

The Lightningfall

To stop an empire from burying the world under ice, Bowen must assemble a disparate cloudship crew and traverse the isle-filled skies.
“Steve Rzasa’s sequel is best for older teens and adults seeking a swashbuckling sword-and-sorcery spectacle.”
Lorehaven review, summer 2018


One person knows of the plot against the royal family and cares enough to try to stop it—the servant girl they banished.
Amber Eyes, S. D. Grimm

Amber Eyes

The hunted Feravolk are counting on Jayden, a dagger-wielding, storm-detecting orphan to save their race.
Keeper of Shadows, Bridgett Powers

Keeper of Shadows

To save the Seven Lands from the Shadow Mist and its keeper, a teacher with limited vision must overcome a curse of chronic pain.
“Bridgett Powers creates something unusual in fantasy: a heroine who, physically damaged to the point of disability, can fight only through spiritual strength.”
Lorehaven review, fall 2018
The Last Motley, D. J. Edwardson

The Last Motley

Can Roderick the tailor save a doomed boy from his nightmares and keep them from spilling out into the world around them?
The Awful Truth About Forgetting, L. Jagi Lamplighter

The Awful Truth About Forgetting

When Rachel runs afoul of the hidden force hiding these terrible secrets, she must face her most desperate hour yet.
Daniel and the Triune Quest, Nathan Lumbatis

Daniel and the Triune Quest

Daniel survived one quest, but the quest for the Triune Shield will require a face to face battle with a psychopathic goddess of pestilence.
Masters and Beginners, Daley Downing

Masters and Beginners

The faeries are real — and so is the secret organization that hunts down the bad ones.
“Daley Downing blends the traditional Faerie mythology with biblical ideas of angels, Nephilim, and the war in heaven.”
Lorehaven review, summer 2018
Hamelin Stoop: The Lost Princess and the Jewel of Periluna, Robert B. Sloan

Hamelin Stoop: The Lost Princess and the Jewel of Periluna

Hamelin discovers the getting to the Land of Gloaming was only the first step in finding his parents as he is thrown into a war.
The Beast of Talesend, Kyle Robert Shultz

The Beast of Talesend

He didn’t believe in magic or monsters—until magic turned him into a monster.
“Kyle Robert Shultz creates an enchanting story world grounded in familiarity yet saturated with fairy-tale qualities.”
Lorehaven review, spring 2018
Alfred: The Boy Who Would Be King

Alfred: The Boy Who Would Be King

In a grim fantasy world where the Father of Light seems long lost, can a modern day boy help a wizard, a cleric, knights and peasants have faith again?
Albion Academy, Elijah David

Albion Academy

Is a Djinni just a trickster? Can a wizard only learn magic? Must a Valkyrie always ferry the dead?
The Shattered Vigil, Patrick W. Carr

The Shattered Vigil

A single terrible choice faces the vigil. Hide in safety and let darkness take over the land or face the growing danger and risk all of their lives.
Scarlet Moon, S.D. Grimm

Scarlet Moon

The hunted Feravolk are counting on Jayden, a dagger-wielding, storm-detecting orphan, to save their race—but they killed her family.